NOAA Fisheries is issuing a proposed rule to authorize the reintroduction of Central Valley (CV) spring-run Chinook salmon in the upper Yuba River above Englebright Dam. Note – This document contains only the regulations describing critical habitat for the Central Valley Steelhead ESU as published in the Federal Register on Sept. 2, 2005 (70FR52488 - 52627).These pages have been extracted from the FR notice to assist those readers interested only in the maps and These biological ratings were compared against economic values given to each HSA. Partnerships among federal, state, local, and tribal entities, together with non-governmental and private organizations, are key to restoring healthy salmon and steelhead runs and ensuring the cultural, economic, and environmental benefits they provide. To assist the reader, the content of this notice is organized as follows: Biologists rated each Calwater (California Watershed Map) Hydrologic Sub-area (HSA) based on occupancy and habitat quanitity and quality information found in the Steelhead distribution shapefile (CCV_Steelhead_Draft_2004). California’s Central Valley is 430 miles long, situated between the Sierra Nevada and the Coast Range. If you have questions, would like to learn more about recovery efforts in your watershed, or would like to get involved directly, please contact: West Coast Region - California Central Valley Office, Brian Ellrott on 10/02/2020, Stay informed of all the latest regional news around NOAA Fisheries, Species in the Spotlight: Sacramento Winter-Run Chinook Salmon, Story Map: Featured Projects from the Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund FY17 Report to Congress, Story Map: Featured Projects from the Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund FY18 Report to Congress, Killer Whale Recovery Begins With Salmon Habitat, and That Begins With You, NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, Report a Stranded or Injured Marine Animal, Viability Assessment for Pacific Salmon and Steelhead Listed under the Endangered Species Act: Southwest, ESA 5-Year Status Review for California Central Valley Steelhead, Recovery Plan for Sacramento River Winter-run Chinook, Central Valley Spring-run Chinook, and Central Valley Steelhead, Recovery Plan for Sacramento River winter-run Chinook salmon, Central Valley spring-run Chinook salmon, and Central Valley steelhead, California Environmental Protection Agency, California Sportfishing Protection Alliance, McCloud Coordinated Resource Management Plan Group. CDFW BIOS GIS Dataset, Contact: Charleen Gavette, Description: This layer depicts areas designated for Steelhead Critical Habitat as well as habitat type and quality in the California Central Valley ESU. This data set is an updated, final version of 'CCV_Steelhead_Proposed_Critical_Habitat' This layer was created to depict Critical Habitat for Steelhead in the California Central Valley ESU. The biological assessment also identified but then determined that critical habitat for Steller sea lions does not occur within Critical habitat has been designated for CV spring-run Chinook salmon (70 FR 52488, September 2, 2005), and includes most of the occupied riverine habitat within their extant range. All stream segments were then coded to reflect their HSA's designation. The California Central Valley steelhead is a threatened species. For the best experience, please use a modern browser such as Chrome, Firefox, or Edge. The linework for this layer is based on the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) and Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) 1:100,000 scale stream based routed hydrography. Sacramento River watersheds from San Francisco Bay to Keswick Dam and selected tributaries. The California Central Valley Recovery Domain extends from the upper Sacramento River Valley to the northern portion of the San Joaquin River Valley (see map of recovery domains). Although critical habitat has been designated for several of these ESUs, final designations are still pending for 19 ESUs of five species: (1) Puget Sound, Lower Columbia River, Upper Willamette River, Upper Columbia River spring-run, California Central Valley spring-run, and California Coastal chinook salmon ESUs (63 FR 11482, March 9, 1998); (2… NOAA Fisheries delineated eight recovery domains, or geographic recovery planning areas, for the ESA-listed salmon and steelhead populations on the West Coast. Metadata into InPort,,, California Central Valley Steelhead Critical Habitat GIS Data, zipped shapefiles: .zip containing .shp .dbf .shx. Populations of naturally spawned Central Valley steelhead are at lower levels than were found historically (Figure 3-1) and are composed predominantly of hatchery fish. »  Accessing Low flows and limited habitat are some of the main threats to these fish, and the Habitat Conservation Plan addresses each. The table containing the accompanying segment attribute information was joined using 'GIS_Link' as the related field, and the shapefile 'CCV_Steelhead_Draft_2004' was created from the routed events. Public comments were received following draft publication of the Critical Habitat Proposed Rule in December 2004. Summary of Proposed Action Effects on the California Central Valley steelhead DPS ..... 182 4. Based on whether selected criteria were met, an HSA was determined to be included or excluded from Critical Habitat. • California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) Central Valley Project/State Water Project (CVP/SWP) salvage database • Final rule listing CCV steelhead as threatened (63 FR 13347) • Final rule designating critical habitat for CCV steelhead (70 FR 52488) 1.4 Background – Summary of Previous Reviews, Statutory and Regulatory Actions, Steelhead require Stream segments were identified and assigned attributes by SWR biologists using CDFG 1:100,000 hydrogrography data and other basemap information on hard copy maps. Metadata to InPort, »  Importing The National Marine Fisheries Service These comments were incorporated into the data set and the final critical habitat file 'CCV_Steelhead_CH_06_2005' was created. Merced River) basins in California’s Central Valley. It is best suited for mapping those properties in the aforementioned region. Salmon and steelhead recovery requires action at all levels of government and by all stakeholders to be effective. Stream habitat is also degraded by the extensive network of unpaved roads that supports timber extraction. the Central California Coast are variable in size, but sandbar formation typically occurs in the early summer and they become seasonal freshwater lagoons during low flow conditions. Phone: 916.930.3600, Last updated by West Coast Regional Office This DPS does include steelhead from two hatchery, or artificial propagation, programs: Note: A change has been proposed for this DPS description to add the Mokelumne River Hatchery Program, because fish in this program are genetically most similar to Feather River Fish Hatchery Program steelhead, which are included in this DPS (81 FR 72759; October 21, 2016). ESA 5-Year Status Review for California Central Valley Steelhead; Critical Habitat: Designated September 2, 2005. During the past 3 years, NMFS has published final listing determinations for numerous ESUs of salmon and steelhead throughout the Pacific Northwest and California. Assess Risk to the California Central Valley steelhead DPS..... 184 5. Internet Explorer lacks support for the features of this website. This information was then visually interpreted from the paper maps and entered into a digital format using the "Route Tools" extension provided by CDFG. Fish & Wildlife Service Pacific Southwest Region, Steelhead Status Reviews and Five-Year Updates, Salmon and Steelhead Federal Register Rules and Notices prior to August 2019, Salmon and Steelhead Hatcheries on the West Coast, Learn about what you can do to help endangered and threatened salmon and steelhead recover. The Central Valley steelhead Distinct Population Segment (DPS) which is listed as threatened under the ESA, includes all naturally spawned populations of steelhead within the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins (71 FR 834). The pages that follow summarize the comments and information received in response to proposed designations published on December 10, 2004 (69 FR 71880), describe any changes from the proposed designations, and detail the final designations for seven ESUs. These areas constitute relatively small portions of steelhead habitat, but seem to be a critical nursery area for juvenile steelhead in spring and summer months. Those segments coded as Critical Habitat were then extracted from the distribution shapfile and placed in the resulting 'CCV_Steelhead_Proposed_Critical_habitat' file. for Central Valley steelhead is derived from an intensive DFG research program in the 1950s. the Species? Over-harvest can have substantial impacts on fish populations, particularly for those with already limited abundance or distributions, those which are isolated or reside in discrete habitats making them easy to catch (e.g. California Central Valley (CCV) steelhead, or their designated critical habitat. This layer was created to depict Critical Habitat for Steelhead in the California Central Valley ESU. The biologists also reviewed the completed digital file to ensure attribute information was associated with the correct stream segments. Salmon and steelhead critical habitat data can be downloaded as shapefiles, viewed … Sacramento River winter-run Endangered Yes No No Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Central Valley spring-run Threatened Yes No No Chinook salmon (0 . Size and Weight Range Spawning adult size range: 35 to 65 cm (13.75 to 25.5 inches) fork length (FL). The segments' upper and lower extents were manually marked onto the basemaps by the biologists. 3. No warranty, expressed or implied is made and no liability is assumed by NOAA Fisheries as to the positional or attribute accuracy of the data. The layer represents areas designated for Critical Habitat and the habitat quality in the region. Protective Regulations: Issued July 10, 2000 (65 FR 42421) Recovery Plan: Recovery Plan for Sacramento River Winter-run Chinook, Central Valley Spring-run Chinook, and Central Valley Steelhead (2014) Species Recovery It is best suited for mapping those properties in the aforementioned region. Since this time there has been rela-tively little research directed at steelhead in the Central Valley, and efforts to restore Central Valley steelhead have been greatly ham-pered by lack of information. The National Marine Fisheries Service ignored its duty to designate critical habitat or issue protective regulations, so we and allies filed a lawsuit resulting in critical habitat protections and regulations preventing illegal “take” of central coast steelhead. NOAA Fisheries supports this by providing scientific and policy support, providing funding as available, and working with our partners to improve regulatory mechanisms for salmon and steelhead recovery. Critical habitat for Central Valley steelhead … Northern California Council of the Federation of Fly Fishers, Inc. Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District, U.S. This data set depicts areas designated for Steelhead Critical Habitat as well as habitat type and quality in the California Central Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU). The recovery plan draws on the expertise of the Central Valley Technical Recovery Team, agency co-managers, and many public entities and individuals dedicated to recovering these fish. The BiOps also conclude that CVP and SWP operations are likely to destroy or adversely modify the designated critical habitats of: Delta Smelt; Sacramento River winter-run Chinook Salmon; Central Valley spring-run Chinook Salmon; Central Valley Steelhead; Proposed critical habitat for the Southern DPS of North American Green Sturgeon The layer represents areas designated for Critical Habitat and the habitat quality in the region. This Federal Register notice describes the final critical habitat designations for seven ESUs of West Coast salmon and steelhead listed under the ESA. It is based on a sound scientific foundation and is a key decision-making resource for improving and sustaining the health of California's natural environment. tshawytscha) California Central Valley Threatened Yes No No steelhead (0. mykiss) .avl, West Coast Regional Office (WCRO) (2005 - Present), Landing Page WCRO Endangered Species Act Critical Habitat GIS Data. The action area encompasses waterways where California Central Valley steelhead, Central Valley spring-run Chinook salmon, and Sacramento River winter-run Chinook salmon may be present, and includes waters that have been designated as critical habitat for the California Central Valley steelhead DPS and Central Valley spring-run Chinook salmon ESU. The act of distribution shall not constitute any such warranty and no responsibility is assumed by the U.S. Government in the use of these files. It is best suited for mapping those properties in the aforementioned region. The avoidance and minimization measures proposed by the Applicant, along with the beneficial aspects of the Action, will offset Key partners working to restore Sacramento River winter-run Chinook salmon, California Central Valley spring-run Chinook salmon, and California Central Valley steelhead are identified below. Metadata in InPort, »  Contributing These data represent the stream segments identified as Critical Habitat by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) Southwest Regional Office (SWR). Critical habitat designations were made for 2,308 steam miles for Central Valley steelhead, of which 8.6 percent occurs on Federal lands, and 88.3 percent occurs on private lands. summer steelhead), or those that attain large adult size (e.g., Chinook salmon). Affect Species or Jeopardize Modify Critical Critical Habitat? ESA 5-Year Status Review for Central Valley Spring-run Chinook Salmon; Critical Habitat: Designated September 2, 2005. Critical habitat was designated for Central Valley steelhead on September 2, 2005 (70 CFR 52488). designated critical habitat of green sturgeon, Central Valley steelhead, and Delta smelt, the Action is not likely to destroy or adversely modify the habitat. The recovery plan for Central Valley steelhead identifies the Calaveras River as a core population in the Southern Sierra and San Joaquin watershed that is essential to recovery of the species. Fish & Wildlife Service ECOS Environmental Conservation Online System Online Link for shapefile, pdf map, Google Earth KML, Map of Critical Habitat for California Central Valley Steelhead, Online Linkage for shapefile, pdf map, Google Earth KML, The data set was created with ESRI ArcGIS Desktop software. Stream habitat is also degraded by the extensive network of unpaved roads that supports timber extraction. The layer represents areas designated for Critical Habitat and the habitat quality in the region. The only exceptions to this occured when a stream segment was valued as a migration corridor (the segment would be included as Critical Habitat even if the HSA was excluded) or if there were other overriding biological considerations. Apodemia mormo langei Lange's metalmark butterfly (E) Branchinecta conservatio Conservancy fairy shrimp (E) Critical habitat, Conservancy fairy shrimp (X) Branchinecta longiantenna Critical habitat, longhorn fairy shrimp (X) longhorn fairy shrimp (E) Branchinecta lynchi Critical habitat, vernal pool fairy shrimp (X) vernal pool fairy shrimp (T) Cicindela ohlone Ohlone tiger beetle (E) Desmocerus californicus dimorphus Critical habitat, valley elderberry longhorn beetle (X) valley elderberry longhorn beetle (T) Ela… Implementing recovery actions is especially critical at the local level. The layer represents areas designated for Critical Habitat and the habitat quality in the region. The Conservancy is dedicated to the continued preservation and management of Mill Creek's historically pristine ecosystem, which provides critical habitat for fish and wildlife including a number of endangered species, such as Spring Run Chinook Salmon and Central Valley Steelhead. Monitoring is a key component to assess the status of CV steelhead populations and it is a critical tool to evaluate the success of habitat restoration activities. There are three ESA-listed salmon and steelhead species in this domain: NOAA Fisheries West Coast Region manages recovery planning and implementation for this domain through its California Central Valley Area Office. Protective Regulations: Issued January 9, 2002 (67 FR 1116) Recovery Plan: Recovery Plan for Sacramento River Winter-run Chinook salmon, Central Valley Spring-run Chinook salmon, and Central Valley Steelhead (2014) In July 2014, NOAA Fisheries released a Recovery Plan for Sacramento River winter-run Chinook salmon, Central Valley spring-run Chinook salmon, and Central Valley steelhead. Email: U.S.FWS Species profile about species listing status, federal register publications, recovery, critical habitat, conservation planning, petitions, and life history U.S. Critical Habitat The Endangered Species Act (ESA) ... - Comprehensive Monitoring Plan For Steelhead in the California Central Valley - October 2010 (4.25 MB pdf) Identification. The resulting event table was then used with the CDFG routed hydrography as the route reference to create routed events based on the biologists' segment determinations. These data represent the stream segments identified as Critical Habitat by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) Southwest Regional Office (SWR). March 20, 2018, NMFS received a letter and biological assessment from the Corps, requesting consultation on the long-term implementation of the updated Folsom WCM. Critical Habitat: Designated September 2, 2005, Protective Regulations: Issued July 10, 2000 (65 FR 42421), Recovery Plan: Recovery Plan for Sacramento River Winter-run Chinook, Central Valley Spring-run Chinook, and Central Valley Steelhead (2014). Enclosure 1 Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultation BIOLOGICAL OPINION on the LONG-TERM CENTRAL VALLEY PROJECT AND STATE WATER PROJECT OPERATIONS CRITERIA AND PLAN Steelhead, Central Valley DPS (O. mykiss) — Threatened In addition, designated critical habitat for green sturgeon and leatherback sea turtles occurs within the action area and may be affected by the proposed action. Habitat? This DPS excludes such fish originating from San Francisco and San Pablo Bays and their tributaries. NOAA Fisheries’ West Coast Region, along with the West Coast Science Centers, and the Restoration Center, work to conserve this species under the Endangered Species Act, ESA Listing Status: Threatened on March 19, 1998 (63 FR 13347); reaffirmed January 5, 2006 (71 FR 833). DPS Description: This distinct population segment, or DPS, includes naturally spawned anadromous steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) originating below natural and manmade impassable barriers from the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers and their tributaries. The massive Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers converge to form the San Francisco Bay Delta, the largest estuary on the west coast, which flows under the Golden Gate Bridge and out into the Pacific Ocean. San Joaquin River watershed from San Francisco Bay to Friant Dam and selected tributaries. This data set depicts Critical Habitat for Steelhead in the California Central Valley ESU. This layer was created to depict Critical Habitat for Steelhead in the California Central Valley ESU. To minimize errors that may have occurred during the process, the completed digital file was compared against the marked maps for consistency.