New: now displays inequality estimates for all countries, Paris School of Economics, Oxford University and Conicet, National accounts and statistical methods coordinator, Institut des Politiques Publiques (IPP) and Paris School of Economics, Paris School of Economics and Iddri Sciences Po, Banque de France and Centre de Recherche en Economie et Statistique (CREST), Paris School of Economics and Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris School of Economics Communication Manager, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD - France), over one hundred researchers covering nearly seventy countries, Data Files to “Distributional National Accounts Guidelines 2020 : Concepts and Methods used in the World Inequality Database”, “Distributional National Accounts Guidelines 2020 : Concepts and Methods used in the World Inequality Database”, “Income Inequality under Colonial Rule: Evidence from French Algeria, Cameroon, Tunisia, and Vietnam and comparisons with British colonies 1920-1960”, World Inequality Lab WP 2020/14, Data files to “Income Inequality under Colonial Rule: Evidence from French Algeria, Cameroon, Tunisia, and Vietnam and comparisons with British colonies 1920-1960”, World Inequality Lab WP 2020/14, “New Zealand: Estimates of top shares of fiscal income for 2015 and 2016, and revision for 2000 to 2014;” Technical Note 2019/02, “New Zealand: Estimates of top shares of fiscal income for 2017, and revision for 2015 and 2016” Technical Note 2019/03, Measuring lnequality in the Middle East 1990-2016: The World’s Most Unequal Region?, forthcoming Review of Income and Wealth. All the methodological followed to construct our series can be found in country-specific papers in our methodology library or in the DINA guidelines. In addition, it should be noted that there are specific countries such as China where there is substantial controversy about price deflators and aggregate real growth. Only few institutions provide inequality estimates and those who do so (e.g. the system used for measuring the economic activity of a nation) and that can also make sense for the general public. The objective is to highlight new findings and research analysis emanating from the database, and to draw implications for the global inequality debate. If you wish to support us, please click on the DONATE button at the bottom of the funding page. As a consequence, we are able to offer consistent global series on national income – i.e. In addition to the year-round updates to the database and working papers, the World Inequality Lab publishes the World Inequality Report. One key problem with surveys, however, is that they are based upon self-reporting and are well known to underestimate top incomes and top wealth shares. Click here for help on how to navigate through menus and graphs. The World Inequality Lab aims to promote research on global inequality dynamics. Ungleichheiten und Umverteilung in Europa, 1980–2017. A Eurozone country with high relative prices will have a lower PPP Euro average income values. The project regroups more than 100 researchers over 5 continents and is 100 percent transparent, open source and reproducible. What is the meaning of the economic concepts used on It is managed by the same executive committee as composed of 5 co-directors and by a dozen regional and thematic coordinators. See in particular the « World National Accounts Series Methodology » (here) and the « Distributional National Accounts Guidelines » (there). Inequalities and redistribution in Europe, 1980-2017”, Issue Brief 2019/3, Data Files to “How Unequal is Europe? they sum to zero), which is typically not the case in existing databases. By doing so, it becomes possible to track very precisely the evolution of all income or wealth levels, from the bottom to the top. The World Inequality Lab at the Paris School of Economics and the University of California, Berkeley, has answered this call by coordinating research into the latest trends in the accumulation and distribution of income and wealth on every continent. the objective of the World Inequality Report 2018 is to contribute to a more inIormed global We try our best to use economic concepts which are consistent with national accounting (i.e. It also produces inequality reports and working papers addressing substantive and methodological issues. Over the past decades, the increase in economic inequalities was largely driven by a rise in income and wealth accruing to the top of the distribution. uses 2011 Purchasing Power Parity round for international comparisons. The World Inequality Report 2018 relies on a cutting-edge methodology to measure income and wealth inequality in a systematic and transparent manner. Distributional National Accounts: Updates”, World Inequality Lab Technical Note 2020/07. First, accept our apologies. “Global Inequality User Guide”, Technical Note 2017/9, “Building a global income distribution brick by brick”, Technical Note 2017/5, “Sending statistical series to”, Technical Note 2017/4, “Indian Income Inequality, 1922-2015: from British Raj to Billionaire Raj?”, Working Paper 2017/11, “Carbon and inequality: From Kyoto to Paris”, Working Paper 2015/7, “Estimating the Distribution of Household Wealth in South Africa”, Working Paper 2020/06, “Income Inequality in Côte d’Ivoire: 1985-2014”, Working Paper 2017/08, Data files to “Income Inequality in Côte d’Ivoire: 1985-2014”, Working Paper 2017/08, “Income Inequality Series for Latin America”, World Inequality Lab Technical Note 2020/02, “Inequality in Latin America Revisited: Insights from Distributional National Accounts”, World Inequality Lab Issue Brief 2020/09, “Uruguay Estimates of Top Income Shares 2009-2012”, Technical Note, 2015/2, “Uruguay estimates of top income shares 2009-2011”, Technical Note, 2014/2, Data appendix to “Examining the Great Leveling: New Evidence on Midcentury American Inequality”, Working Paper 2020/01, “Examining the Great Leveling: New Evidence on Midcentury American Inequality”, Working Paper 2020/01, “Factor Shares in the Long Run”, Working Paper 2020/03, “What’s New About Inequality in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States” World Inequality Lab Issue Brief 2020/07, “Simplified DINA for Australia, Canada and New Zealand”, World Inequality Lab Technical Note 2020/10, “Top Income in Chile: A Historical Perspective of Income Inequality (1964-2015)”, Working Paper 2018/11, Appendix to “Top Income in Chile: A Historical Perspective of Income Inequality (1964-2015)”, Working Paper 2018/11, “Accounting for Wealth Inequality Dynamics: Methods, Estimates and Simulations for France”, Working Paper 2020/05, Appendix to “Accounting for Wealth Inequality Dynamics: Methods, Estimates and Simulations for France”, Working Paper 2020/05, “Income Inequality in France, 1900-2014: Evidence from Distributional National Accounts”, Working Paper, 2017/4, Appendix to “Income Inequality in France, 1900-2014: Evidence from Distributional National Accounts”, WID.World Working Paper, 2017/05, Data Files to “Income Inequality in France, 1900-2014: Evidence from Distributional National Accounts (DINA)”, Working Paper 2017/04, Presentation slides to “Income Inequality in France, 1900-2014: Evidence from Distributional National Accounts”, Working Paper, 2017/4, “Accounting for Wealth Inequality Dynamics: Methods, Estimates and Simulations for France (1800-2014)”, Working Paper, 2016/5, Appendix to “Accounting for Wealth Inequality Dynamics: Methods, Estimates and Simulations for France (1800-2014)”, Working Paper, 2016/6, Data Files to “Accounting for Wealth Inequality Dynamics: Methods, Estimates and Simulations for France, 1800-2014”, Working Paper, 2016/5, Presentation Slides to “Accounting for Wealth Inequality Dynamics: Methods, Estimates and Simulations for France, 1800-2014”, Working Paper, 2016/5, “Social Inequalities and the Politicization of Ethnic Cleavages in Botswana, Ghana, Nigeria, and Senegal, 1999-2019”, World Inequality Lab WP 2020/18, “Extreme Inequality and the Structure of Political Cleavages in South Africa, 1994-2019”, World Inequality Lab WP 2020/13, “Social Inequality and the Dynamics of Political and Ethnolinguistic Divides in Pakistan, 1970-2018”, World Inequality Lab WP 2020/16, “Growing Cleavages in India? It should also be noted that default monetary values for Eurozone countries are displayed in PPP Euros and are thus different from Market exchange rate Euros. One key problem with surveys, however, is that they are based upon self-reporting and are well known to underestimate top incomes and top wealth shares. Its missions are the intension of the World Inequality Database, the production of analysis on global inequality dynamics, and the dissemination in the public debate. The data series provided in should however not be seen as perfect and definitive: existing series are continuously updated and improved by fellows, following new raw data releases or conceptual and methodological improvements. For more information on what you will find (and will not find) on, click here. Evidence from Distributional National Accounts, 1980-2017”, Working Paper 2019/06, “Has the European social model withstood the rise in inequalities? Evidence from Distributional National Accounts, 1980-2017”, Working Paper 2019/04, Data Files to “Has the European social model withstood the rise in inequalities? What distinguishes’s inequality data from the OECD, the World Bank, or other inequality data providers? This is fully explained in the country-specific papers. For more information on the network of researchers, click here. The 2019 report builds upon the rich history of human development reporting in pioneering new measures of development and upon new partnerships with global experts at the World Inequality Lab, the LIS Cross-National Data Center in Luxembourg and others. If you wish to support us, please click on the DONATE button at the bottom of the funding page. is entirely funded by public, non-profit actors and personal donations. Second, you should delete the cache memory of your browser (generally under “settings/history/clear cache”), then close it, and try again. The World Inequality Report aims to become the reference global report on inequality and to attract extensive coverage in the international media. The World Inequality Lab aims to promote research on global inequality dynamics. Finally, reliable series for the consumption of fixed capital (capital depreciation) estimates are not readily available for a large number of countries, so we combine various sources and develop new methods to derive consistent global series. By doing so, it becomes possible to track very precisely the evolution of all income or wealth levels, from the bottom to the top. Website created in 2015-2017 with the collaboration of: (Benjamin Grillet, François Prosper, Brice Terdjman, Anthony Veyssière), (Panagiotis Korvesis, Antonis Skandalis, Konstantinos Skianis, Michalis Vazirgianis), IT Consultants: Thomas Blanchet, Guillaume Saint-Jacques, David Smadja, Assistants: Yu Tian, Regina Hung, Amory Gethin, Project Management: Facundo Alvaredo and Lucas Chancel. First, we release detailed series for national wealth accounts, which usually cannot be found on other portals. New: now displays inequality estimates for all countries, Political conflict, social inequality and electoral cleavages in Central-Eastern Europe, The Distributional Impact of the Pandemic, Distributional National Accounts (DINA) for Austria. What is the meaning of the economic concepts used on Top Incomes: A Global Perspective, OUP, 2010, “Colonial Rule, Apartheid and Natural Resources: Top Incomes in South Africa 1903-2007”, CEPR Discussion Paper 8155, 2010, Top Incomes in Italy 1974-2004, Top Incomes: A Global Perspective, OUP, 2010, Income and Wealth Concentration in Spain in a Historical and Fiscal Perspective, Top Incomes: A Global Perspective, OUP, 2010, “Top Incomes and Earnings in Portugal 1936-2005”, Explorations in Economic History, 2009, “Income and Wealth Concentration in Spain from a Historical and Fiscal Perspective”, Journal of the European Economic Association, 2009, “Extreme Inequality: Evidence From Brazil, India, the Middle-East, and South Africa”, Working Paper 2018/4, “Rethinking the Lebanese economic miracle: The extreme concentration of income and wealth in Lebanon 2005-2014”, Working Paper 2017/13, Appendix to “Rethinking the Lebanese economic miracle: The extreme concentration of income and wealth in Lebanon 2005-2014”, Working Paper 2017/14, Data files to “Rethinking the Lebanese economic miracle: The extreme concentration of income and wealth in Lebanon 2005-2014”, Working Paper 2017/13, “2020 Wealth Aggregate series”, World Inequality Lab Technical Note 2020/14, “Global Land Inequality”, World Inequality Lab WP 2020/10, “Wealth in Spain, 1900-2014: A Country of Two Lands”, Working Paper 2018/5, “Revised national income and wealth series: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK and USA”, Working Paper 2017/23, Tackling inequality in India: is the 2019 election campaign up to the challenge?, Issue Brief 2019/2, भारत में आर्थिक असमानता पर नियंत्रण: 2019 की चुनावी बहस की एक समीक्षा, “Wealth Inequality, Class and Caste in India, 1961-2012”, Working Paper 2018/14, Technical Appendix to “Why Is Europe More Equal Than the United States?”, World Inequality Lab WP 2020/19, “Why Is Europe More Equal Than the United States?”, World Inequality Lab WP 2020/19, “How Unequal is Europe? Technical Note 2017/3. Market exchange rates values can be obtained in our custom menus. I encounter technical problems on, what should I do? Click here for help on how to navigate through menus and graphs. UK estimates of top income shares 2013-2014 and 2014-2015: Note on Methods; Technical Note 2017/2, “Measuring Inequality in the Middle East 1990-2016: The World’s Most Unequal Region?” Working Paper N°2017/15, Appendix to “Measuring Inequality in the Middle East 1990-2016: The World’s Most Unequal Region?” Working Paper N°2017/16, Data files to “Measuring Inequality in the Middle East 1990-2016: The World’s Most Unequal Region?” Working Paper N°2017/15, “Top wealth shares in the UK over more than a century.”, Working Paper, 2017/2, “Income concentration in British India, 1885-1946”, Journal of Development Economics, 127, pp. They are described in the Metadata associated to each variable and in the associated methodological documents. The key novelty of the project is to use such data in a systematic manner, allowing comparisons between countries and over long time periods. First, we release detailed series for national wealth accounts, which usually cannot be found on other portals. overcomes this limitation by combining different data sources: national accounts, survey data, fiscal data, and wealth rankings. Users can also use our quick-search glossary to find the definition they want. Issue Brief 2019/3, “The Weight of the Rich: Improving Surveys Using Tax Data”, Working Paper 2018/12, “Applying Generalized Pareto Curves to Inequality Analysis”, Working Paper 2018/3, “Estimates of the Global Distribution of Wealth”, Technical Note 2017/7. overcomes this limitation by combining different data sources: national accounts, survey data, fiscal data, and wealth rankings. Theory and evidence from Sweden”, Working Paper 2018/9, Top Incomes in Sweden over the Twentieth Century, Top Incomes: A Global Perspective, OUP, 2010, “Income inequality and ethnic cleavages in Malaysia: Evidence from Distributional National Accounts (1984-2014)”, Issue Brief 2019/05, Appendix to “Income inequality and ethnic cleavages in Malaysia: Evidence from Distributional National Accounts (1984-2014)”, Working Paper 2019/9, “Income Inequality and Ethnic Cleavages in Malaysia: Evidence from Distributional National Accounts (1984-2014)”, Working Paper 2019/09, “The Missing Profits of Nations”, World Inequality Lab WP 2020/12, “U.S. Technical Note 2017/1. Website created in 2015-2017 with the collaboration of: (Benjamin Grillet, François Prosper, Brice Terdjman, Anthony Veyssière), (Panagiotis Korvesis, Antonis Skandalis, Konstantinos Skianis, Michalis Vazirgianis), IT Consultants: Thomas Blanchet, Guillaume Saint-Jacques, David Smadja, Assistants: Yu Tian, Regina Hung, Amory Gethin, Project Management: Facundo Alvaredo and Lucas Chancel. Only few institutions provide inequality estimates and those who do so (e.g. By developing this report, the World Inequality Lab seeks to fill a democratic gap and to equip various actors of society with the necessary facts to engage in informed public debates on inequality. Over the past decades, the increase in economic inequalities was largely driven by a rise in income and wealth accruing to the top of the distribution. They are described in the Metadata associated to each variable and in the associated methodological documents. The World Inequality Lab aims to promote research on global inequality dynamics. A Contrast Between Continental European and English-Speaking Countries, OUP, 2007, “The quest for green welfare state in developing countries”, World Inequality Lab WP 2020/07, “What Determines the Capital Share over the Long Run of History?”, World Inequality Lab WP 2020/08, “Salience of Inherited Wealth and the Support for Inheritance Taxation”, Working Paper 2019/03, “How should capital be taxed? For more information on our funders, click here. uses 2011 Purchasing Power Parity round for international comparisons. Its core mission is to maintain and expand the World Inequality Database. Redistribution: Evidence from France and the U.S.”, World Inequality Lab WP 2020/22, Data File 1 to “Predistribution Vs. The World Inequality Lab led by Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez, Gabriel Zucman, Facundo Alvaredo and Lucas Chancel released today the first of its kind World Inequality Report 2018. What distinguishes’s national accounts data from the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, or other national accounts data providers? What distinguishes’s inequality data from the OECD, the World Bank, or other inequality data providers? World Inequality Lab -, Paris. World Inequality Lab | 694 volgers op LinkedIn. By contrast, they point out, countries and regions that did not experience a post-war egalitarian regime, such as the Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa, and Brazil, have had relatively stable, but extremely high levels of inequality. In such cases we review all existing series and attempt to combine them in the most sensible manner. Towards Distributional National Accounts in Africa, 1990-2017”, Working Paper 2019/13, “Income inequality in Africa, 1990-2017”, Issue Brief 2019/06, “Ten facts about inequality in advanced economies”, Working Paper 2019/15, “World Inequality Report 2018 Technical Notes for Figures and Tables”, Technical Note, 2017/8. What distinguishes’s national accounts data from the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, or other national accounts data providers? If this does not solve the problem, you may want to try with a different browser. The Lab regroups about twenty research fellows, research assistants and project officers based at the Paris School of Economics. Next, we include corrections for offshore wealth and offshore capital income, so that our series on foreign capital income inflows and outflows are consistent at the global level (e.g. The Report is based on – the most extensive database on the historical evolution of income and wealth distribution. In contrast, combines national accounts and survey data with fiscal data sources. Read all news including political news, current affairs and news headlines online on World Inequality Lab today. And, finally, send us an email with the description of the issue, and the details of your operative system and browsers versions. The data series provided in should however not be seen as perfect and definitive: existing series are continuously updated and improved by fellows, following new raw data releases or conceptual and methodological improvements. The World Inequality Lab works in close coordination with the large international network over one hundred researchers covering nearly seventy countries contributing to the database. Not hesitate to contact us relative prices will have a lower PPP Euro average income values used on,! As a consequence, we release detailed series for national wealth accounts, which is not! And news headlines online on World Inequality Lab WP 2020/22, data File 2 to “ Vs.: updates ”, Issue Brief 2019/3, Appendix to “ how Unequal is Europe of fixed,! Research analysis emanating from the OECD, the World Inequality Lab only on headlines! Bottom of the richest individuals sense for the global Inequality dynamics income for 2014, and to extensive. 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