All the ethical theories such as teleological theories and deontological theory have implications in the practice of nursing care. The nurse must take on the fact that whatever a person thinks is right, is right. Nursing ethics initially encompassed virtues that were desired in a nurse. Two of the largest nursing organizations, the International Council of Nurses and American Nurses Association provide a code of ethics for nurses. All Rights Reserved. This idea can also be thought of in a way that if a decision must be made it would be wisest to make the decision with the central aim of doing the maximum amount of greatest good for the greatest number of people. Justice and equity is simple, it refers to being fair and equal to all patients no matter their socioeconomic status or resources at their disposal. All About Ethical Theories in Nursing A nurse faced with this kind of situation may look for advice from the institution’s ethics committee so as to determine the right plan of action. Nurses who can find agreement between personal and professional ethics will be most successful at maintaining their integrity and moral character. Retrieved from, Copying content is not allowed on this website, Ask a professional writer to help you with your text, Give us your email and we'll send you the essay you need, Please indicate where to send you the sample. The two major ethics theories in Nursing, which identify and rationalize moral rules and principles, are Deontology and Utilitarianism. Nonmaleficence literally translates to “do no harm” and is a concept that originated from the Hippocratic Oath. The actual ‘good’ that is being referred to can be expressed in numerous ways such as referring to values such as happiness, being pain or symptom free, or another life enhancing outcome (“Ethical Theories,” n.d., para. Different forms of consequentialism describe different standards and methods for weighing those consequences. An example of fidelity would be keeping a promise to a patient of coming back to check on them even if they become slammed with a heavy workload. Ethical nursing practice is enhanced through collaborative discussion at conferences and conventions. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy. Students looking for free, top-notch essay and term paper samples on various topics. The ethical principles of nursing are Autonomy, Beneficence, Fidelity, Informed consent, Integrity, Justice, Nonmaleficence, Paternalism, Veracity, as well as Privacy and confidentiality. In nursing it is a duty to disclose pertinent information and the obligation to respect confidentiality at the same time. A literature review shows the intricate relationship between ethics and nursing, yet there is lack of elaboration of ethical features in nursing theories. Ethical reflection aids nurses in identifying personal biases and reinforces moral foundations. The integration of nursing theories into practice demonstrates an evolutionary pathway for introducing a paradigm shift in the essence of the science of nursing. Nursing ethics first appeared in textbooks in the late 19th century. Ethical guidelines are also provided by the State Boards of Nursing. Since with this theory it is the motives of the actor that determine the value of the act a bad outcome may be acceptable if the intent of the actor was good. Current ethical hot topics in nursing include assisting in abortions, flu-shot requirements for nurses and end-of-life issues. This means giving truthful information about the risks of a procedure while still respecting the patient’s confidentiality. Nurses may find it necessary to employ ethical decision making as part of the nursing process throughout the day. Justice is simply referring to fairness and equality. Nurses can also employ ethical reflection techniques. Nurses who are knowledgeable about ethical theories may be better prepared for ethical nursing practice as they will have a more thorough knowledge of which ethical approach will be most appropriate in a given situation. The theory states that a “veil of ignorance” should be worn regarding who is affected by a decision and should be used by all decision makers because it allows for unbiased decision making. When writing nursing theory proposition statements, you have to have a comprehension of specific nursing theories. A nurse who knows the ethical theories and furthermore applies them in the field will have better client outcomes and prevent errors that can cause harm to a client in any way shape or form. Albert Schweitzer, German medical missionary, theologian, musician, and philosopher (1875-1965) In the area of nursing theory Lawrence Kohlberg’s theories of moral development are very influential. Whereas with deontology it is the intent of the decision made that determines the value as opposed to the outcome, with teleology it is the outcome that determines whether the act is good or of value and that achievement of a good outcome justifies using a less desirable means to attain the end. Utilitarianism is a moral theory that implements fair choices in an effort to ensure the least amount of harm is done to all parties involved. As for nursing, critical thinking plays a very important part in your work.Problem solving and decision making are two of the most essential common thinking processes used in nursing.So it’s very important to identify facts and evidence from opinions keeping a open mind while being a creative problem solver. Depending on the school, student nurses can choose to earn a minor or certificate in ethics. It requires the nurse to take a look at his or herself and make judgments on their character and work to change whatever is deemed unethical about themselves for the greater good of their patients. They guide nurses in their practice on a daily basis. Nursing Science is an identifiable discrete body of knowledge comprising paradigms, frameworks and theories. It is essential of nurses to be well versed in the ethical principles and even more so in ethical theories to help guide them in their decision making when caring for clients. Nurses can use the ethics board as a resource if they are faced with a situation that calls their personal morals into question. An ethical person must always follow the rules, even if doing so causes a less desirable outcome. If a nurse is better educated on the culture of their client and what is considered normal or taboo they will be better equipped to provide excellent care in that persons eyes without infringing on their culture or having a biased opinion of them. It is pivotal for nurses because it will ensure that they are preforming their jobs and duties with the highest regard to patient advocacy and maintain the ethics which nursing is based on. To aid in ethical decision making, many hospitals have an ethics board. 4). To a layperson some of these … Teleology is a theory that is opposite to deontology in a sense. It is these ethics that make a nurse so valuable to clients and ultimately makes a nurse the client’s best advocate. Ethics play a major role in the practice of nursing profession. Right and wrong is not definite in most cases as there are no absolute truths. (1986) Biomedical Ethics and Ethical Theory. Virtue theorists also emphasize the need for people to learn how to break bad habits of character, such as greed or anger. It is to examining the content, prescriptive force and application of these principles that this discussion now turns. Nurses who use ethical reflection may be better prepared while encountering ethical dilemmas on a day to day basis. Although this theory has been largely rejected it is still valuable for a nurse to consider when caring for their patients. Students with additional education in ethics will be knowledgeable about different ethical theories including virtue ethics, ethics of care and deontological ethics. To a layperson some of these words may make sense and others may not. A brief description of some of these terms will be given before their influence on nurses is discussed. (2016, May 07). Consequentialism is an ethical theory which holds that we can evaluate the value our actions entirely by weighing their consequences. The ethical principles of nursing are Autonomy, Beneficence, Fidelity, Informed consent, Integrity, Justice, Nonmaleficence, Paternalism, Veracity, as well as Privacy and confidentiality. Paternalism is a negative principle of nursing and is implied when a nurse does not respect the patients’ right to autonomy by making decisions for the patient because he or she thinks she knows what’s best for that patient (Sliva & Ludwick, 1999). ObjectivesObjectives Discuss ethical principles in health care in the light of ethical theories. Ethical theories NURSING ETHICS 1. 2nd Edition, Mcgraw-Hill Book Company, New York. Nursing in Canada is a self-regulating profession; thus, nurses are bound to a code of ethics as part of a regulatory process that serves and protects the public. Many families will leave a person to help at times, but it’s the hospital’s legal obligation to discover an interpreter for continued understanding by the client to be sure the client is completely informed and comprehends in her or his main language. Nursing ethics have kept pace with the advancement of the nursing profession to include a patient-centered focus, rather than a physician-centered focus. In addition to following guidelines and decision-making theories, nurse leaders should trust their well-honed instincts as a result of an advanced RN education. also offered here. At times, nurses may be asked to do things by other health care providers or employers that are out of their comfort zone. As Doctors and more specifically Registered Nurses it is their duty to have a client’s best interest in mind and always act in their benefit. Consequentialism, also referred to as utilitarianism, seems simple enough to understand as the word “consequence” is evident. Ethical relativism takes into account for the variability in what is considered to be normal or acceptable to any given culture. National and international nursing organizations provide ethical guidelines for nurses. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are Ethics can also come into play when a nurse is off-duty. Ethics are important to the nursing profession. By focusing on the outcome of each action, utilitarianism demands that you decide on what course of action based on the benefits or harm of the actions without regard to the cost of the action. The importance of acting ethically when working as a nurse. Nursing ethics will remain an important aspect of the nursing profession. Nonconsequentialists believe that right or wrong depends on the intention. 2). When people think of who it is taking care of them and making them better they specifically think of Doctors and Nurses. Boosta Ltd - 10 Kyriakou Matsi, Liliana building, office 203, 1082, Nicosia, Cyprus. By clicking Send Me The Sample you agree on the, Qualified nurse during a clinical placement Essay, Ask Writer For Professional And Personal Application Statement. Some ethical theories that influence nursing practice are Consequentialism, Deontology, Ethical Relativism, Utilitarianism theory, Teleology, Virtue ethics, and Justice and equity. Nursing Theories and a Philosophy of Nursing, A Statistical Look at Patient-Centered Care, Nemours Brings Nursing Opportunities to Central Florida, How Have the Sequester Cuts Affected Nursing and Health Care. As patient advocates, nurses work as part of an interdisciplinary team to provide patient care. Isabel Hampton Robb, the founder of modern nursing theory, authored one of the first texts on nursing ethics. Ethical Principle and Confidentiality. Ethical Theories. (546), 4.7 There are generally three philosophical approaches, or what may be considered the science, to ethical reasoning: utilitarian ethics; deontological ethics; virtue ethics These situations are times when nurses must employ their personal and professional ethical decision making skills to determine how they should respond. This principle also involves taking actions to help benefit others and prevent both physical and mental harm of the patient. As the nursing profession evolved, nurses gradually embraced patient advocacy. Nursing students learn about ethics during the course of their nursing education. There are three types of normative theories: virtue theories, deontological theories, and teleological theories. It is applied to healthcare by providing equitable access to nursing care. Fidelity is synonymous with faithfulness and is therefore achieved by remaining loyal, fair, and truthful to patient and encompassing the idea of being a patient advocate. Mappes, T.A. The term ethics is derived from the Greek word “ethos” meaning “character” and is defined as “moral principles that govern a person’s or group’s behavior”. and Zembaty, J. On the back side of this theory there is a criticism in healthcare that applying a strictly deontological approach to healthcare can lead to conflicts of interest between equally entitled individuals which can be difficult or even seemingly impossible to resolve (“Ethical Theories,” n.d. para. Each one of these theories looks at our ethical behavior in different ways. Some ethical theories that influence nursing practice are Consequentialism, Deontology, Ethical Relativism, Utilitarianism theory, Teleology, Virtue ethics, and Justice and equity. Ethical dilemmas may arise out of patient care situations or interactions with co-workers. Nurses who are comfortable with their morals and let ethics guide their decisions will be well equipped to provide patient care. Three elements involved in informed consent are Informed, Competent, and Voluntary. The Term Paper on Ethical theory and decision making in practice A nurse must keep in mind that ethical standards are relative to person, place, time, and culture. 16). It is essential for these theories to be understood and applied by nurses all across the world in order to attain the best results for patients and the future of our healthcare system. To a layperson some of these … ETHICSETHICS ACTION INTENTION UTILITY 4. Help. Don’t waste Your Time Searching For a Sample, Get Your Job Done By a Professional Skilled Writer. An ethical person should choose the action that is fair to all, including both the advantaged and disadvantaged groups in society. The Ethics in Caring Annual Conference is a multi-disciplinary symposium in the Los Angeles area. Some ethical theories that influence nursing practice are Consequentialism, Deontology, Ethical Relativism, Utilitarianism theory, Teleology, Virtue ethics, and Justice and equity. As the analysis of ethical theories demonstrates, health care providers can use ethical theories and works of philosophers to promote wellness, health, and equal access to health care. Health Care Ethics Principles and Problems Jan 2000 Yet, one must recognize the ethical components of practice to engage in structured ethical decisions. Nursing ethics first appeared in textbooks in the late 19th century. While there are no universal truths in ethical relativism there are few topics that are not open to debate, such as incest (American Nurses Association, 2011). 2. Graduate nursing students may choose to write a thesis or dissertation on an ethical component of nursing practice. Learn more about them. Ethical Theories of Nursing. The Ethics of Caring collaboration has been stimulating ethical discussions and providing ethical education for nurses and other healthcare providers since 1993. Ethics affects all areas of nursing practice, and it is not always straightforward to decide if one management option is definitely without risk to the patient. This theory is in place to protect those less fortunate people and is essential to all of society to keep the balance and fairness when it comes to healthcare. Conference attendees can meet with healthcare providers from across the country and share ethical issues, ideas and dilemmas. nursing ethics the values and ethical principles … A popular form of consequentialism is called "utilitarianism", and weighs consequences in terms of their "utility", or the "happiness" they cause. 4.9 Ethical Theories of Nursing Secrets Hospice is a model of care for men and women that are at the conclusion of life. Autonomy refers to the patients’ own rights to make decisions about their healthcare, health, and lives without the interference from healthcare personnel such as the physician, the nurse, or other team members. It is important for Nurses to understand the definition of each of these, as well as how to apply them, and how it benefits the patient. Informed consent is directly related to autonomy in the fact that it allows the patient to make an informed decision about their treatment (Daly, 2009). Nurses have the responsibility to recognize and identify ethical issues that affect staff and patients. What this means is the patient has all the accurate information, they are in a stable and competent mindset to make the decision, and that they are voluntarily making the decision. The ethical principles of nursing are Autonomy, Beneficence, Fidelity, Informed consent, Integrity, Justice, Nonmaleficence, Paternalism, Veracity, as well as Privacy and confidentiality. This chapter introduces the role of the nurse and the ethics of nursing in contemporary practice. Ethical Rights & Responsibilities of Nurses “Ethical problems deal with issues of great significance to those involved and, by their nature, have no easy or obvious solutions. Grand nursing theories are abstract and can be applied to many different situations. As mentioned earlier some of the Ethical theories are Consequentialism, Deontology, Ethical Relativism, Teleology, Virtue ethics, and Justice and equity. Ethical dilemmas will continue to be encountered by nurses in the course of their careers. This is an essential process of becoming a nurse as nobody is perfect and allowing oneself to be open minded about change will allow them to be the best nurse possible. Some ethical theories that influence nursing practice are Consequentialism, Deontology, Ethical Relativism, Utilitarianism theory, Teleology, Virtue ethics, and Justice and equity. Importance of Ethical Theory in Nursing The Importance Of Acting Ethically When Working As A Nurse. Highlights of the 2017 edition This current edition of the Code contains new and updated content that reflects contemporary practice needs. This paper will elaborate and critically reflect on the definitions of both and provide examples along with why the term/concept is important … While polar opposites on the broad spectrum of ethics, deontology and utilitarianism are bioethical theories that can be applied to nursing practice and personal life situations. (348), 4.9 Ethical Issues in Nursing. Veracity as a word is associated with truthfulness. Your Answer is very helpful for Us Thank you a lot! 6 key ethical principles of nursing. The term ethics is derived from the Greek word “ethos” meaning “character” and is defined as “moral principles that govern a person’s or group’s behavior”. The Advantages of Ethical Theories in Nursing. As mentioned previously, Rae suggests that ethics are a process that is both an art and a science. At the time, these virtues included physician loyalty, commitment to high moral character and obedience. Moral principles commonly used in discussions on ethical issues in nursing and health care include the principles of autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence and justice. The fantastic death isn’t a familiar idea in American culture. The ethics of nursing are influenced by moral development, as nurses must develop a strong system of morals in order to uphold the strict ethics required of them. 2). The Importance of Ethical Theories and Principle in Decision Making for Nurses The Importance of Ethical Theories and Principle in Decision Making for Nurses. SLIDE 3 – FORMS OF ETHICAL THEORIES For individuals, the ethical theory they employ for decision making guidance emphasizes aspects of an ethical dilemma important to them and leads them to the most ethically correct resolution according to the guidelines within the ethical theory itself. This principle was made more evident with the passing of the Patient Self Determination Act by Congress in 1990 (“Ethical Principles,” n.d., para. It also focuses on rules, obligations, and duties. Virtue ethics is different from other ethical theories in that it places much less emphasis on which rules people should follow and instead focuses on helping people develop good character traits, such as kindness and generosity. When a person meets the unfortunate circumstance of being admitted to a hospital for an illness they are depending on healthcare personnel to have their best interest in mind and make them better. The ethics board is a committee of health care providers who help to resolve ethical issues that arise in hospitals. This article will explore and summarise the four main ethical theories that have relevance for healthcare assistants. Unit 6: Ethical Theories in Nursing "The first step in the evolution of ethics is a sense of solidarity with other human beings." These are called vices and stand in the way of becoming a good person. ID # Ethical Theories Act Utilitarianism Act Utilitarianism is a consequentialist theory for the reason that it conforms ethically right actions, the actions we are forced to perform, are selected by determining the outcomes that those actions are expected to produce. A nurse may not be legally bound to provide care, but may have an ethical obligation to help. Students with additional education in ethics will be knowledgeable about different ethical theories including virtue ethics, ethics of care and deontological ethics. Nurses apply this principle by not causing injury, being either physical, psychological, emotiona, or financial (“Ethical Principles,” n.d., para. In order to properly understand the ethical theories of nursing one must first know what the core ethical principles and theories in nursing are. According to Wilkes University, these 6 specific principles of healthcare ethics should be adhered to in every situation. Nurses may also be sanctioned by the State Board of Nursing or be fired by their employer for a breach of ethics. In the current society people face some shape or kind of dilemma and it might be a personal, ethical, or moral dilemma. These theories truly help protect not only the patients being cared for but also the nurses caring for those patients. The answer is their ethical duty, meaning every nurse is guided by ethical theories and principles which help guide them as a patient advocate. These are the main principles of ethics as far as it pertains to nursing and knowing this information is vital to understanding ethical theories and how to better apply them as a practicing nurse. In this paper the core ethical theories and principles will be discussed and how exactly this helps RN’s be the best possible advocate and what benefits the clients themselves derive from these ethical theories. Discuss the... 3. The ethical principles in nursing includes definitions of fidelity, beneficence, autonomy and integrity. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Get a verified writer to help you with Ethical Theories of Nursing. 5 pages, 2217 words. Therefore, ethical theories serve as credible and time-tested points of reference for providing patient care and designing health care policies. These are: utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics and principlism. What this is saying is that every culture has their own set of norms and therefore certain behaviors that may be acceptable in one culture may not be acceptable in others. Nurses should be familiar with the ethics of the nursing profession, but also be comfortable with their own ethical code. When ethical guidelines are breached there is a potential for criminal or civil liability depending on the situation. Although there was a heated discussion between the surgeon and the nursing staff, each member of the staff had good intentions, but the outcome was not so good. This ethical theory is meant to protect the less privileged people in society and give them access to fair and equal healthcare access without bias from the healthcare members caring for them. These character traits will, in turn, allow a person to make the correct decisions later on in life. Nurses may find themselves in a position to make an ethical choice to provide care to a stranger should they come upon a car wreck or should a fellow airplane passenger experience a heart attack. In order to follow the theory of deontology it requires absolute adherence to these obligations and acting from duty is viewed as acting ethically. Ethical TheoriesEthical Theories PIR BUXPIR BUX 25-08-201425-08-2014 2. (984). Ethical judgements need to be made based on the best available evidence, with respect to the rights of the individual, and through careful balancing of risks … This theory, while having the patients best interest in mind, focuses on the healthcare provider and asking them to learn good habits while breaking bad habits in order to predispose them to making the correct decision automatically while providing care to their clients. Now that all of the ethical principles have been defined it is easier to make sense of how the ethical theories came about for our healthcare system and all the members of the healthcare team taking care of the patients. The identified elements of the ethical dimension include ethical theories and principles, values, ethical practice issues, … While professional ethical codes vary, common themes include confidentiality, dignity and respect. Nursing ethics differ from medical ethics because of their focus on caring, rather than curing. Nurses who are knowledgeable about ethical theories may be better prepared for ethical nursing practice as they will have a more thorough knowledge of which ethical approach will be most appropriate in a given situation. Principles and theories in nursing, which identify and rationalize moral rules and principles, are deontology and utilitarianism,. 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