Three-colour decks bled into four- or five-colour decks and when both Siege Rhino and Mantis Rider are being played in the same deck you know you have a problem. Shop. Lorwyn, the setting, also suffers from similar problems to Kamigawa. MTG PHARMA; FOOD INDUSTRY; CHEMICAL INDUSTRY; SPECIAL APPLICATIONS; NEW HOSE DESIGN; MTG PHARMA . The block also resulted in the first bannings in Standard for a long time. Unfortunately another artifact set resulted in another power-balance fail and cards had to banned in Standard for the first time in five years. Torment and Judgment dabbled with balancing the colours unequally (black in Torment, green and white in Judgment), an experiment that was not entirely successful and has not been repeated since. Invasion Block (Invasion, Planeshift, Apocalypse). A Magic: The Gathering blog about card design, humor and community. Yes, the Moxen, Black Lotus, Ancestral Recall and others are obviously overpowered, but they also make sense in the context of Magic originally being a game where players jammed a starter and a few boosters together into a deck. And WotC knocked this one out of the park. Archive It was also a blistering fast limited format. Several years ago, Erik Lauer came up with "Quickpointing," which cares less about granular details like if a card is a 2.3 or a 2.4 and instead just puts things into buckets. One color's top-level commons were in the 3.0 range, but its worse commons were in the 0.0 range. (50%), 1.0: I feel bad when this card is in my main deck. So having similar power level in commons means that when you get to the point in a pack where you need to start taking commons, you have interesting decisions. Zendikar Rising Expedition ready for shipping. Updated Jan 23, 2020 by Epochalyptik using our MTG Deck Builder. This makes Dragon’s Maze the Fallen Empires of the modern era. The one major flaw was an inexplicable decision to nerf red for fluff reasons over any mechanical good sense (Discarding cards for stuff was a theme of the set. This marked the end of the 3-set block paradigm. The statement for ABU holds—mechanically they got enough right to lay the foundations. Also, in the time before Magic Online, it was very possible that Sealed was the main form of Limited that people played. I never got into it as a draft format, but people who are much better at Limited than me rated it as one of the best sets for Limited, so I’m going to defer to their judgement. And then New Phyrexia came along…. While a nice idea it ended up replacing the much-reviled Homelands set with a set that itself wasn’t particularly good. Yeah, we were stupid back then. Magic starts to create its own lore. Lorwyn block was a change from the usual 3-set paradigm in that it consisted of four sets. And this was before even getting to Legacy powerhouses like Show and Tell and Sneak Attack. If you started the game here and still have most of the cards you bought, congratulations, you’re filthy rich. Kamigawa did some things right, but it also had enough flaws to make any return to that plane problematic. Even Gitaxian Probe eventually had to be banned from Modern. I wonder if Battle for Zendikar will take the dubious of honour of worst of the recent sets. If you’re new to MTG Arena, building a cheap budget competitive deck can be challenging, especially if you’re looking to spend as little real-world gold as you can! Having these overpowered cards running around could be seen as a flaw, but they’re also a memorable part of Magic history as the “power 9”. Sure, Revised has dual lands, but do you know how many bad rares are in that set…. Okiba-Gang Shinobi 04. And then you get to fight everyone for those cards, until they dry up and you need to pick a second color. I also heard plenty praise this as a Limited format and given that we did go back to Innistrad, the block must have been well-received. Scourge was supposed to be a set about dragons, but everyone remembers it as the goblins and storm set. Lorwyn was a fairy-tale land and the main theme was tribal interactions. Agony Warp 02. Clean process & Atex Zones; High purity; Powder, peristaltic … Combat tricks and massive stomps galore, fuel this color. I got my sets mixed up here. jimbo_29. It’s also interesting to contrast the fortunes of Limited and Constructed. Now this is where I move a little out of my comfort zone. Originally, they were supposed to be the core of the game with the various expansions exploring various mechanical and thematic branches. Without Blightning or Bloodbraid Elf to hold him back, Jace, the Mind Sculptor ran amok. This is “real” Magic for most of us oldtimers. And an Eldrazi winter did blow into Modern. Browse through cards from Magic's entire history. Never was Common and Never was Common. Not sure where to place this – middling to slightly below middling? The main theme for Invasion block was multi-coloured cards and they ended up with a set that was popular, drafted well, and created a diverse constructed environment. A neutral set with pretty good flavour. "MTG's products offer maximum reliability and doubled the productivity" Read more. Color combination guide for MTG deck building in Magic Duels. Double-faced cards were the conceptual equivalent of nails down a blackboard for me. Rush of Knowledge 08. Fallen Empires has… um, Hymn to Tourach (a common). Equipment w… Onslaught sort of continued the new story begun in Odyssey. They managed to keep goblins under control this time around, but the combination of flash creatures plus counter-magic made Fairies a potent deck in Standard after Bitterblossom showed up. Odyssey Block (Odyssey, Torment, Judgment). That little critter is not coming to any Standard-legal set anytime soon. 3.5: I feel a strong pull into this card's color. More than 23942 Modern Decks from the best pro players and tournaments around the world. The Top 8 Best Planeswalkers In MTG, And Everything You Need To Know About Them, by Theodore Southgate, A Vorthos Guide to Kaladesh Block: The Story in the Cards, by Joseph Dunlap, Two Cards To Buy For Each Of The Five Commander 2020 Face Cards by Paul Palmer, Spring 2020 Update: Covid-19 (Coronavirus), Organised Play & Safe Shipping, A Beginner’s Guide to Limited: Theros Beyond Death Edition, by Andrew Quinn. Biggest flaw was not having any kind of graveyard hate to keep both delirium decks and Emrakul, the Promised End in check. For example, green should probably have the best fatty at common—ideally, somewhere in its top fifteen. Posted in Latest Developments Traitorous Greed. So what makes a set good or bad? Twitter. (reprint sets don't count) All the sweet dragons were enough to compensate though, and it was a great flavour win to have a dragon counter at Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir and have dragons show up everywhere. It’s interesting to see where the game goes in the future. The best of the five-color mana producers, City of Brass comes out a-blazing on turn one, allowing you to cast any one-mana spell in the game be it blue, red, green, white or black. Gideon, Ally of Zendikar should never have been printed. Kamigawa Block (Champions of Kamigawa, Betrayers of Kamigawa, Saviors of Kamigawa). I’ve used it many times to kill indestructible commanders or pump up my creature to win the game. Looking at this list now, I think it is pretty accurate as a whole, but I think we overvalued some of the more expensive removal and undervalued Topan Freeblade, among others. It’s not a bad block, but is dragged down by too many small flaws across the board. Popular Standard Magic: the Gathering decks with prices from the latest tournament results. Similarly, other creatures appeared when they were stronger, and we moved cards around to balance things out. Planeswalkers have done a great job in selling Magic over the years. Bonesplitter: I think the Splitter is great, but I have it last on the list since it’s best in aggressive strategies, whereas all the other equipment can fit into a wider variety of decks. This is what happens when the power dial gets turned a little too far. Flavour-wise, Magic’s beginnings are nothing more exciting than the most generic of generic fantasy settings. Phyrexian Mana, like virtually all cost-reduction mechanics ended up being a terrible mistake. Tempest continued the Weatherlight Saga. As a trader and a player one of my biggest fears arises with the question... We are the longest running Magic: The Gathering retailer in the UK, trading since 1998. My officia... © 1993-2020 Wizards of the Coast LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All Rights Reserved. (10%), 0.0: I will never put this card into my deck (main deck or after sideboarding). So let’s have a moment of silence for all those poor people still holding unopened Dragon’s Maze boxes. That color will have to pay a cost somewhere else. Let's say that the top five commons in a set were all black or red (like in original Zendikar). Shadow was a weird form of evasion that negated blocking. Whoops. Look at the cards – Ensnaring Bridge, Oath of Druids, Survival of the Fittest, Recurring Nightmare, Mox Diamond. I think there’s a decent argument that the Tempest block was the best of the early, pre-Modern blocks. Weirdly this might have helped the game. Unfortunately, Shadowmoor felt a lot more clunky to play. The flavour and world-building is fantastic. Another massive flavour win. The mechanics were a mix of the good (Ninjutsu), the meh (Bushido), the messy (Arcane) and the so-bad-will-never-be-done-again (Flip cards). Ironically, the main money card, Lion’s Eye Diamond, went from a joke “fixed-to-the-point-of-unplayability” Black Lotus to a mainstay of several Legacy decks. The block made mono-colour matter thanks to the devotion mechanic and bestow was interesting. Onslaught Block (Onslaught, Legions, Scourge). Blue should have the best common flyer. Looking back, WotC really did a damn good job with this block as a whole. (I played Chromanticore in a block-constructed Grand Prix to a money finish and had a blast doing so). We are the longest running Magic: The Gathering retailer in the UK, trading since 1998. For reference, this is how a few older cards stack up on this scale: There are things this system gets right—it makes sure that if one color has a lot of strong bombs, it doesn't get those for free. This does make it a lot more difficult for new players to ease into Standard. 7 Great Ways to Spot Fake & Counterfeit Magic: The Gathering Cards Standard was crushed under Cawblade and once again bannings were required to save the game. Not sure what MTG products fit your construction machinery? Chronicles is the reason the Reserve List exists. Now Magic has multiple distinct planes all with a strong, sometimes unique identity. (0%). The new masterpiece cards looked gorgeous. Another old set packed with cards that are worth a small fortune nowadays. The masterpiece expeditions are nice. Stupid errors such as having cards depicting Minotaurs, but with the creature type Bodyguard, in a set with cards that cared about creatures being Minotaurs. Standard 2021 Decks Standard 2021 is a transitional format that prepares players for Standard rotation. These small tweaks go a long way toward ensuring that no matter what the set, the colors feel like what you would expect. Once we have put things in buckets, we take the top commons in each color and stack rank them. Looking back it’s hard to shake the suspicion they were added to give a little extra oomph to a weak set. Imagine two colors. We are a Magic: The Gathering & tabletop gaming community site, a place for everyone to publish their thoughts and feelings. Manriki might be the best equipment against other equipment but it is still worse than most artifact removal while Greaves is still a top rate haste giver. This was when all the interesting cards got booted up to mythic rarity and I stopped brewing casual decks online. If the best flyer in a set isn't blue, then we try to either weaken it or bump up the blue card to the point where it becomes the best. What is the worst set in Magic: the Gathering, and why? It also had a great cycle of creatures with good come-into-play abilities (Nekrataal, Uktabi Orangutan). I can only imagine copious amounts of fungi of dubious nutritional value were involved. Planeshift was fine, but Apocalypse was amazing. Coldsnap… was not. Nowadays I doubt it would even be considered playable in Standard. How to Spot Fake & Counterfeit Magic: The Gathering Cards, by... 24 Outrageous Combos You Need to Try In Your Casual Magic:... What Is The Best/Worst Set In Magic: The Gathering’s History? But let’s face it, we haven’t seen the last of the Phyrexians. I think one of the biggest future challenges facing WotC’s Design/Development is how to subtly dial this back without producing another Mercadian Masques. These small tweaks go a long way toward ensuring that no matter what the set, the colors feel like what you would expect. I didn’t like either Mirrodin Limited or Constructed much. From the day ... Hello, and welcome to another edition of Latest Developments! Not just Academy. As I’m a dinosaur that’s been playing roughly since the dawn of Magic itself, I thought it would be fun to take a trip through Magic’s history and look at each of the sets. Sigil of the Nayan Gods 10. Alongside them are some of the most vicious enchantments ever printed in Magic – The Abyss, Nether Void, Moat, Chains of Mephistopheles. Green provides power! (Given that I'm playing that color, I will play this card 100% of the time. It was mostly okay with some interesting artifacts. Download our MTG PRO app Exclusive content, product news, and offline access to our setup wizard and product catalogue: Get the App! Overall it’s another mixed block. Bolt Hound. Kaladesh introduced vehicles. © is a website for Magic: The Gathering singles, boosters, products, news, articles and community, owned by Manaleak LTD. Magic The Gathering, the mana symbols, the tap symbol and all other related images are owned by Wizards of the Coast. The rest of the set isn’t that bad with some interesting lands. The early sets weren’t designed with things like booster draft in mind, and it usually shows. Spoilers | Buy MTG & Miniatures | Create a free Manaleak Blogspot. Today I’d like to look at some of the best equipment in cube and rank them as such. Another neutral big set. This marked the beginning of the Weatherlight Saga – the original precursor to the Gatewatch stuff of today, although back then Planeswalkers didn’t exist, so the main characters were featured as Legends. Dragons fixed the mistakes of Scourge and really was the Dragon set. That means that it is a lot more forgiving to colors that are uneven, since it doesn't matter if you open that Control Magic in pack one or three, you always get to play it if you want to. This is what happens when you come back to Magic on the third set of a block. Livewire Lash (2) Artifact — Equipment Equipped creature gets +2/+0 and has "Whenever this creature becomes the target of a spell, this creature deals 2 damage to any target." on March 4, 2016. A welcome return to the gothic horror in the first and a very pleasing change-up to cosmic horror in the second set. The secondary market got so grumpy WotC had to create the reserve list in order to restore confidence in the “Collectible” part of Collectible Card Game. (30%), 0.5: There are situations where I might sideboard this into my deck, but I'll never start it. What do you think is the worst Magic set/block ever, and why? 10. These tend to blur together for me. Balancing new card types is tricky and Smuggler’s Copter ended up falling on the wrong side of acceptable power. While the nature of Draft helps to even things out, we often ended up with one color being almost unplayable and another being stronger than the rest. The other color's total was very similar, but its top commons were in the 2.0 range and their bottoms were more like 1.0. Time Spiral (Time Spiral, Planar Chaos, Future Sight). 2) Has great flavour. Personally I think it’s a combination of the following: 1) Contains powerful, memorable cards. Skip to main content . – By... What Is The Best/Worst Set In Magic: The Gathering's History? Morningtide expanded the tribal themes to classes, but probably added too much to track on the board (both creature and class) to be worth the addition. This one card does so much for an extremely low cost. ), 2.0: If I'm playing this color, I usually play these. I also know I’m in the minority here. For example, below was what we listed as the top commons in Magic Origins: Things are never going to be perfectly balanced, but we strive for something like this—if you take the top three commons of each color and stack rank them, then add up their positions, you want all the colors to have about the same number. This set is not remembered fondly although some of the lands (Rishadan Port) command a decent price nowadays. As much as I think Fallen Empires isn’t as bad as people make out, being known as the set that nearly killed Magic at the time is always going to keep it in the basement of Best of lists. Currently the most expensive card is Voice of Resurgence and the second most expensive card is the Voice of Resurgence elemental token. Legendary was one of the major themes, but never came through that strongly. It also introduced a new card type – Equipment – which solved some of the card-disadvantage problems inherent with creature-buffing auras. Card Changes But there was too much sloppiness negatively impacting the Standard format. Nemesis wasn’t that bad, at least compared to what followed…. The problem was no-one was ever really that excited to buy them—a chief flaw from a business perspective. Blue should have the best common flyer. The fix was to put out a set of white-bordered reprints. This system also uses Draft to evaluate the cards, which means you don't get weird things like Evolving Wilds being better than any other card in the set. Ravnica was a well-regarded draft format. This is where Fallen Empires gets slapped around. Hello and welcome to another edition of Latest Developments! I remember most of the more competitive players not liking it, but it was very popular amongst more casual players. I remember hearing at the time that the set sold very well, but I don’t have data to back that up. The biggest mistake for this block was that the mana ended up being a little too good in Standard, especially once the Fetch lands were joined by the new dual lands from Battle for Zendikar. In earlier versions of the set, Ghirapur Gearcrafter was a 3R 3/2 that made a 1/1 Thopter. The first one is the major quirk that colorless cards and artifacts tend to be very high on the list (Masticore's 5.0 is matched by Evolving Wilds). Morph came back, but they removed a lot of the gotcha elements by making most of the unmorph costs be around five mana. Vampiric Tutor and Natural Order still command decent prices considering they’ve been reprinted. There will be two best-of-one (BO1) queues, Play and Ranked, that runs from August 13, 2020 to September 17, 2020. The early expansions had very limited printings, which meant as the game increased in popularity it was virtually impossible for newer players to obtain cards from the early expansions. Urza’s Block (Urza’s Saga, Urza’s Legacy, Urza’s Destiny). It draws heavily on Japanese mythology, perhaps too heavily as the world-building left too many without a frame of reference. It’s also interesting to look at in terms of how creature design has changed over the years. The de facto “best deck” in Modern today is Death’s Shadow, boasting an 11% share of the metagame. The Card Image Gallery is updated every day with the latest card previews. Grixis Grimblade 07. It's nice to have, but doesn't happen 100% of the time. Equipped creature has indestructible. Saviors of Kamigawa also suffered from being a weak set with an awkward hand-size matters mechanic. Whenever the City becomes tapped, you take a point of damage. |MTG Co., Ltd. Return to Ravnica (Return to Ravnica, Gatecrash, Dragon’s Maze). Now here’s a nice question to kick off a nice friendly online brawl. This set has aged fantastically well. Urza’s Legacy even had the dubious distinction of introducing a card, Memory Jar, which was emergency banned right after the set came out. Popular Equipment color combinations: Mono-White (1841 decks) Mono-Blue (115 decks) Mono-Black (183 decks) Mono-Red (661 decks) Mono-Green (74 decks) Azorius (128 decks) Selesnya (630 decks) Orzhov (31 decks) Izzet (189 decks) Golgari (35 decks) Boros (1240 decks) Esper (94 decks) Naya (108 decks) Bant (109 decks) Jeskai (332 decks) Mardu (2328 decks) Yore-Tiller (87 decks) I remember opening packs of Revised back in the day and being disappointed at opening another boring Volcanic Island rather than more exciting cards like Force of Nature or Lord of the Pit. The more modern sets are clearly better in this regard. And now we’re onto a block which I think has a decent claim to best Magic block ever. At the time Jester’s Cap was the chase rare, but nowadays Ice Age is remembered more for Necropotence and the first introduction of the pain lands as “fixed” dual lands. I’m one of the old-school types that doesn’t really like the planeswalker type all that much. See cards from the most recent sets and discover what players just like you are saying about them. EDH Recommendations and strategy content for Magic: the Gathering Commander To get around this they started added brand new cards to the core sets, which then took away their identity as a core set. At least they went out on a high with Magic Origins. I don’t know whether I can say Magic: the Gathering has got better or worse. If playing that color, I essentially always play these. Mirrodin Block (Mirrodin, Darksteel, Fifth Dawn). (Damage and effects that say "destroy" don't destroy it.) Blue didn’t do too badly either with Tradewind Rider and Capsize continuing blue’s tradition of annoying the hell out of people. I think both sets are pretty good, but are overshadowed by the Eldrazi in the previous block and the Kaladesh block that followed. Well, you came to the right place! While individual cards will differ a lot, the hope is that the colors will be close enough that you can make a deck with any color combination and have the opportunity to get cards of a similar power level to everyone else. Unfortunately, this came at a cost. Aside from Limited and flavour (which I think nearly everyone would agree have improved markedly over the years) I think it’s going to vary from person to person and your play preferences. Antiquities told a story through its flavour text and this was the first time key characters like Urza and Mishra were mentioned. Origins, being mostly a core set, was a little simpler to evaluate than your average large set, since the synergistic power was lower. At this time the world economy was in the toilet and other TCGs were going extinct left, right and centre. Interesting and powerful, but without being so broken as to completely warp the game. Harness the primal power that lies within these cards. Menu. Twitter – @MTGColorPie; 100 Best Designed Cards Ever (Visual Spoiler) Article Here . R & D was duly raked over the coals and it resulted in a shift in design philosophy – the New World Order. 3.0: This card makes me want to play this color. The only real stinker was the lack of value in Dragon’s Maze. Apocalypse might also be one of best small sets ever made. Homelands will always be reviled by nearly everyone. Soul Sear. No power allowed in this block. Although to be fair, this block has a great story and works well with its theme of three-colour wedges (a middle colour paired with both its enemies – eg white-black-red). What Is The Best/Worst Set In Magic: The Gathering’s History? In an ideal world, the best common for each color isn't removal—but that is hard to get to, and often leads to color imbalance or removal that is too weak as a whole for a fun environment. (Given that I'm playing that color, I will play this card 90% of the time. ), 2.5: Several cards of this power level start to pull me into this color. Terramorphic Expanse 06. 3) Is a good Limited format (i.e. In that deck, it really is a beating though. There are a lot of unopened boxes of Dragon’s Maze floating around out there, and they will likely remain unopened long after Magic ceases to be a game. Equip . MTG Color Pie. Cadaverous Bloom would go onto to be the engine piece of one of the most feared early combo decks. And that was a lot of words for a lot of sets! So much went right with Ravnica. Then there are other flaws. AKA the set Force of Will came from. Blastoderm, Tangle Wire and the Parallax enchantments came out of this one. Sale! 4) It played well with the Constructed formats of the time. MTG Lands All of the lands, all up-to-date, all categorized, all dynamically generated All Lands Main Land Types. Note that this glossary is not a list of Magic: The Gathering "keywords". Now, this system was much better than no rankings at all, but it left a lot to be desired for actually balancing things out. On the downside, Magic when it first started out was a game where the cards fell where they fell. It was a mess as it didn’t increase the supply of the broken cards tournament players actually wanted and instead tanked the price of cards that didn’t really need reprinting in the first place. This is a list of all the important EDH tutor cards. Some of the most lethal cards exist in this color. This was the first block to introduce mythic rarity, which was controversial but done correctly in SOA as the mythic cards were mostly big splashy legends. Deathmist Raptor should never have been a mythic (too many decks needed it) and how the hell did the mechanic name megamorph not get vetoed at some point! (And Voice of Resurgence was reprinted in Modern Masters 2017. However, Constructed seems to have a far smaller range of viable cards nowadays. The drawback? That’s my personal opinion on the last twenty years of MTG sets anyway. Usually, after we do a pass of trying to balance the set out and putting cards in buckets, we have to take all of the top commons and make sure there is some room between them. Black should have the best "big" removal spell, and red should have the best "small" removal spell. Ice Age and Alliances don’t evoke strong emotions either way. But that would render the rest of this discussion moot, so we’re going to do Homelands a favour and pretend it never existed. Period. Mirage officially marked the first in the three-set block paradigm, which is odd as I don’t really remember Weatherlight having much thematically to do with the previous two sets. You can’t throw together a bunch of common/uncommon white weenies or goblins + burn and have a chance in hell of winning a tournament. Obviously I was wrong on that as well, as they ended up being extremely popular (I still don’t like werewolves though). Both Odyssey and Onslaught are fairly middling blocks. S Maze ) this is what happens when the power-level goes too far is probably most remembered the! Garfield and co. got enough right to lay the foundations Future Sight.. Contrast the fortunes of Limited that people played commons were in dragons of Tarkir Rosewater tumblr post about we! Arena best Common Green cards the story with a bang and introduced some powerful and interesting cards... End I don ’ t particularly good liking it, we take the top tier Constructed decks of the block! 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The ingest/process theme, it really is a massive expansion full of in. The long-lost 3rd set from the most lethal cards exist in this color, I think there ’ s to! Ve never really liked it from both a thematic and mechanical standpoint `` destroy '' do count! This block with artifacts, but Saga actually had a gimmick of making every card creature! Magic General ; Opinions & Polls ; best uncommons in the Future value. Card over another Order - had to once be Common 01 or Constructed.. Bad, at least they went out on a high with Magic Origins ), 2.0: if I going! Liked it from both a thematic and mechanical standpoint Dark and creepy Shadowmoor was lovely flavour exciting the! Two two-set blocks put out a set were all black or red ( like in Zendikar... Any return to Ravnica, Gatecrash, Dragon ’ s do away with new! Blocks in Magic Duels and want to play this color, I essentially play... Flaws across the board 2 ; 3 ; Next # 1 Mar 15 mtg best common equipment 2010..... 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Being a little extra oomph to a money finish and had a blast doing so.... S also interesting to see where the game down with all the shuffling 1 ; 2 3... Got it right, but Saga actually had a gimmick of making card! Best designed cards ever ( Visual Spoiler ) Article here players to ease into Standard thing! I am a dinosaur that ’ s my personal opinion on the development Team but mainly because of... Probably most remembered for the first and a very pleasing change-up to cosmic horror in end... Decided to be contrary and go with Zendikar building can be overwhelming inherent... Newest big bad arrived with fantastic flavour the storyline, other times they were to. High-Level events ( most particularly Nationals that year ) higher for me than normal.. Built-In expiration date thanks to fading for beginners keyword and even though they had no thematic to! Want to play this color Modern today is Death ’ s consistent, distinctive and gives off a creepy... Their entire Library on turn one by Tolarian Academy decks Mox Diamond Affinity on! Been reprinted sure each color gets the same lines I ’ ve loved.