French words for cod include morue, cabillaud, cabillauds and morues. Grand Aioli is a Provencal Classic Need to translate "fresh cod" to French? Les pronoms COD : me, te, le... COD ( complement d’objet direct ) or direct object pronouns replace nouns (a person, place or object) when there is no preposition after the verb . The grammatical category of the COD in FrenchÂ, Belongs to the verbal group         Â, Now, ask the questions "quoi ?" - or just want to learn this language because you like it. Take language lessons with a native teacher, True or false exercise about vowels in French, True or false exercise about the diphtongs in French, True or false exercise about the consonants in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the cedilla ç in French, Exercise on special characters of French Alphabet, Multiple choice exercise about the nature of French words, Multiple choice questions about the function of French words, Fill in the blank exercise about questions to find the subject in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the subject pronouns in French, Multiple choice questions about the nominal group in French, Fill in the blank exercice about the apostrophe in French, Multiple choice questions about the apposition in French, Multiple choice questions about the direct objects in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the direct objects pronouns in French, Drag and drop exercise about the COD in French, Flashcards exercise about the COD in French, Fill in the blank exercise about indirect object pronouns in French, Drag and drop exercise about the COI in French, Flashcards exercise about the COI in French, Fill in the blank exercise about second object pronouns in French, Drag and Drop exercise about the COS in French, French direct and indirect object pronouns, Fill in the blank exercise about the direct object pronouns in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the indirect object pronouns in French, Multiple choice questions about the CC in French, Multiple choice questions about the CC course in French, Drag and drop exercise about the agent complement in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the agent complement in French, Multiple choice questions about the articles in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the contracted articles in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the articles in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the definite articles in French, Indefinite article in French - un, une, des, Fill in the blank exercise about the French indefinite articles, Quiz about the French indefinite articles, Partitive article in French - du, de la, de l', des, Fill in the blank exercise about the French partitive articles, Multiple choice questions about the function of nouns, True or false exercise about the gender and number in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the gender of French nouns, Fill in the blank exercise about feminine nouns in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the plural of French nouns, Fill in the blank exercise about the hyphen, Multiple choice questions about the formation of compound nouns in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the plural of French compound nouns, Multiple choice questions about the abstract and concrete common nouns, Fill in the blank exercise about the proper nouns, Fill in the blank exercise about articles with proper nouns, Multiple choice questions about the pronouns in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the subject pronouns, Drag and drop exercise about the stressed pronouns, Fill in the blank exercise about the French Direct and indirect object pronouns, French possessive pronouns - le mien, le tien, Fill in the blank exercise about the possessive pronouns, Fill in the blank exercise about the reflexive pronouns, French demonstrative pronouns - celui, celle, ceux, Fill in the blank exercise about the indefinite demonstrative, Drag and drop about the simple and compound demonstrative pronouns, Fill in the blank exercise about the relative pronoun dont, qui, que, qu', Fill in the blank exercise about the relative pronouns lequel, Fill in the blank exercise about the relative pronouns ce dont, quoi, ce qui, ce que, Quiz about the relative pronouns - auquel, French indefinite pronouns - tout, chacun, Fill in the blank exercise about the indefinite pronouns - tout, toute, tous, toutes, Drag and drop exercise about the French indefinite pronouns, French interrogative pronouns - qui, que, lequel, Quiz about the interrogative pronouns - lequel, Fill in the blank exercise about the interrogative pronouns- qui, que, quoi, Fill in the blank exercise about the adverbial pronouns - en, y, Multiple choice questions about the epithet, attribute in French, Endings of regular and irregular French adjectives, Fill in the blank exercise about the adjective endings in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the regular form of the feminine adjective, Fill in the blank exercice about the irregular forms of the feminine adjective, Comparative and superlative of French adjectives, Fill in the blanks about the comparative in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the superlative in French, Quiz about the placement of adjectives in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the placement of adjectives, French possessive adjectives - mon, ton, son, Fill in the blank exercise about the possessive adjectives in French, Quiz about the possessive adjectives in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the possession (mon, ta, ses), Fill in the blank exercise about the possession (notre, votre, leur), French demonstrative adjectives - ce, cette, Fill in the blank exercise about the demonstrative adjectives in French, Quiz about the demonstrative adjectives in French, French indefinite adjectives - toutes, quelques, Fill in the blank exercise about the indefinite adjectives in French I, Fill in the blank exercise about the indefinite adjectives in French II, Fill in the blank exercise about the regular form of the adverbs, Fill in the blank exercise about the irregular adverbs, Fill in the blank exercise about the adverbs of place, Fill in the blanks exercise about the French adverbs of time, Fill in the blank exercise about the French adverbs of manner, Fill in the blank exercise abut the French adverbs of quantity, Quiz about the French adverbs of quantity, Fill in the blank exercise about the French adverbs of reason, Drag and drop exercise about the position of adjectives, Fill in the blank exercise about comparative and superlative adverbs, Difference adjectives and adverbs in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the prepositions of modes of transportation, Fill in the blank exercise about the prepositions of cause, Fill in the blank exercise about French temporal prepositions, Quiz about the French temporal prepositions, Fill in the blank exercise about French local prepositions, Fill in the blank exercise about the local preposition, Drag and drop exercise about the geographical names, Fill in the blank about French exceptional prepositions, Quiz about the French exceptional prepositions, Litterary past tense vs Past anterior exercise, Drag and drop exercise about the past simple, Fill in the blank exercise about the litterary past tense, Completed Past in French (Passé composé), Fill in the blank exercise about the pluperfect, Fill in the blank exercise about the past anterior, True or false exercise about the past anterior, Drag and drop exercise about the future tenses, True or false exercise about the future tenses in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the immediate future, Fill in the blank exercise about the simple future, Fill in the blank exercise about the future perfect, Exercise for the imperfect subjunctive in French, Exercise for the pluperfect subjunctive in French, Present Subjunctive (Le subjonctif présent) in French, Exercise for the present subjunctive in French, Exercise for the present subjunctive in French II, Exercise for the present subjunctive in French III, Exercise for the present subjunctive in French IV, Past Subjunctive (le subjonctif passé) in French, Exercise for the past subjunctive in French I, The French conditional tense or mode exercise I, Question set exercise about the present conditional in French, Fill in the blank exercise for French past conditional I, Fill in the blank exercise for French past conditional II, Quiz about the past conditional in French, Writing and creating sentences exercise for the Past conditional in French, Fill in the blank exercise for Imperative mood in French I, Fill in the blank exercise for the imperative in French II, Quiz exercise for the imperative of reflexive verbs in French, Question set exercise about the Infinitive in French I, Drag and drop exercise about the present infinitive in French, Multiple choice questions about the use of infinitive in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the past infinitive in French, Multiple choice question about the use of gerund, Fill in the blank exercise for the gerund in French, Adjective vs Participle present exercise in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the present participle in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the present participle in French II, Multiple choice questions about the past participle in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the agreement of the past participle in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the past participle in French, Question set exercise about the auxiliaries in French, Multiple choice questions about the conjugation of the auxiliary avoir in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the indicative mood of the verb avoir in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the conditional mood of the verb avoir in French, Multiple choice questions about the subjunctive mood of the verb avoir in French, Quiz about the conjugation of the verb avoir in French, Quiz about the conjugation of the verb être in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the indicative mood of the verb Être in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the subjunctive mood of the verb être in French, Drag and drop exercise about the conditional of the auxiliary être in French, Multiple choice questions about the conjugation of the auxiliary être in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the modal verbs in French, Multiple choice questions about the conjugation of the verb pouvoir in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the indicative mood of the modal verb pouvoir in French, Drag and drop exercise about the subjunctive of the modal verb pouvoir in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the conditional mood of the modal verb pouvoir in French, Multiple choice questions about the conjugation of the verb devoir in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the indicative mood of the modal verb devoir in French, Drag and drop exercise about the conditional of the modal verb devoir in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the subjunctive mood of the modal verb devoir in French, Multiple choice questions about the conjugation of the modal verb vouloir in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the indicative mood of the modal verb vouloir in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the conditional mood of the modal verb vouloir in French, Drag and drop exercise about the subjunctive mood of the modal verb vouloir in French, Conjugation of savoir (to know) in French, Multiple choice questions about the conjugation of the verb savoir in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the indicative mood of the verb savoir in French, Drag and drop exercise about the subjunctive mood of the verb savoir in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the conditional mood of the verb savoir in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the passive voice in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the active voice in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the passive voice using reflexive verbs in French, Drag and drop exercise about the passive voice in French, Fill in the blank exercise for reflexive verbs in French, Reflexive vs Non-reflexive verbs exercise in French, Fill in the blank exercise for reflexive verbs with parts of the body in French, Drag and drop exercise about the reflexive verbs in French, Fill in the blanks exercise of the irregular verbs in French, Fill in the blanks exercise of the irregular verbs in French II, Multiple choice questions about the conjugation of the irregular verb venir in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the indicative mood of the irregular verb venir in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the subjunctive mood of the irregular verb venir in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the conditional mood of the irregular verb venir in French, Multiple choice questions about the conjugation of the irregular verb aller in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the indicative mood of the irregular verb aller in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the subjunctive mood of the irregular verb aller in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the conditional mood of the irregular verb aller in French, Multiple choice questions about the conjugation of the irregular verb faire in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the indicative mood of the irregular verb faire in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the subjunctive mood of the irregular verb faire in French, Drag and drop exercise about the conditional of the iirregular verb faire in French, conjugation of prendre (to take) in French, Multiple choice questions about the conjugation of the irregular verb prendre in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the indicative mood of the irregular verb prendre in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the subjunctive mood of the irregular verb prendre in French, Multiple choice questions about the conjugation of the irregular verb voir in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the indicative mood of the irregular verb voir in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the subjunctive mood of the irregular verb voir in French, Conjugation of partir (to leave) in French, Multiple choice questions about the conjugation of the irregular verb partir in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the indicative mood of the irregular verb partir in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the subjunctive mood of the irregular verb partir in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the conditional mood of the irregular verb partir in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the regular verbs in French, Quiz about the conjugation of -er verbs in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the regular verbs ending in -cer in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the regular verb of -e + consonant + er in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the regular verbs in -oyer, -ayer, -uyer in French, Multiple choice questions about the participle of French verbs ending in -ir, Fill in the blank exercise for the regular verbs ending in -ir in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the reported speech with change of tenses and personal pronouns in French, Fill in the blanks exercise about the reported speech with change of time markers in French, Fill in the blank exercise of the reported speech with change in demonstrative, possessive pronouns in French, Fill in the blank exercise for the formation of the reported speech in French, Multiple choice questions about the sentence structure in French, Multiple choice questions about the phrases in French in French, Drag and drop exercise about the verbal phrase in French, Drag and drop exercise about the composed phrase in French, Multiple choice questions about the complex phrases in French, Drag and drop exercise about the complex phrases in French, Personal vs impersonal exercise in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the affirmative phrases in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the negative phrases of simple tenses in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the negative phrases of compound tenses in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the complex or combined negation in French, Flashcards exercise about the types of phrases in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the declarative phrases in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the simple conversion in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the complex inversion in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the interrogative of compound tenses in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the partial interrogation in French, Exercise about the exclamative sentences in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the injonctive sentence in French, Multiple choice questions about the propositions in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the relative subordinate clause in French, Completive vs circumstancial subordinate clause in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the conjunctions of subordination in French, Multiple choice questions about the si clauses in French, Fill in the blank exercise about the si clauses in French, Drag and drop exercise about the si clauses in French. 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