The rule of thumb is that rabbits should eat half a cup of leafy greens per pound of body weight per day. Can Rabbits Eat Butter Lettuce? You have entered an incorrect email address! Moreover rabbit owners have often linked it to gas and bloating. Bunnies depend on germs in their intestines to absorb their food. Too much cabbage, or introducing the vegetable too quickly, can cause your rabbit to experience digestive upset, however. But you may wonder, is cabbage always a good thing for your bunny? Can rabbits eat cabbage? There are owners that say their pet rabbits seem to have bloated when they fed them cabbage, but that should not be a cause for alarm since cabbage is, in general, easy to digest. Cabbage as rabbit food The green leafy vegetable cabbage is highly recommended by veterinarians and pet nutritionists as good food for pet rabbits. Rabbit owners and veterinarians like cabbage. Among other leafy greens, rabbits do eat cabbage. Cabbage also contains smaller quantities of magnesium, fiber, phosphorous, zinc, and vitamin E, all of which form part of healthy rabbit nutrition. Keep an eye on them to make sure they feel better. Butter lettuce is a type of lettuce with soft and tender leaves. Their fiber-digesting bellies are up to the task! No, it isn’t advisable for baby rabbits to eat cabbage or any vegetables right away. In the same vein, making sure your rabbit has cabbage regularly once it has been introduced will mean their gut remains able to digest it. While your rabbit will probably eat any kind of cabbage you place in front of him, you can make things a bit more exciting. I’ve been giving my rabbits red cabbage, which they both like, in small quantities along with 4-5 leafy greens: dandelion leaves, cilantro, parsley, small quantities of kale, sometimes romaine lettuce, arugula, spinach, carrot tops… I’ve also been sprouting lentils for them, which is their favorite veggie of all time. At night they get the same mix of greens, same amount of pellets and sunflower seeds, a barley heart, and a few small pieces of dried fruit (half a slice of soft dried banana for example) that they have to dig out of their hay boxes. Bok choy is, too! Let’s now answer all your burning questions about the topic. I think we’ve answered the question — can rabbits eat cabbage — with a resounding yes! So offer it to them alongside other fresh vegetables. They’re also cheap and last several days in the fridge. If you’re introducing Cabbage to you’re a rabbit, first give a small amount first. However, it is important for a healthy pregnancy, so vets often recommend supplemental sources of vitamin K for breeding sows. Again, be sure your rabbit is not sensitive to this cabbage type and combine it with other types of greens. If you notice your rabbit experiencing any bloating or diarrhea after trying cabbage, withdraw it immediately. can rabbits eat cabbage? Health Benefits Rabbits Get From Eating Cabbage. This amounts to about 15% of their overall diet. However it is known to cause them to have gas if you give them too much, so twice to three times a week in small amounts should suffice. While cabbage does have goitrogenic properties, it is only harmful in very high quantities. And can bunnies eat cabbage too often? There a plenty of other vegetables he can have instead. Rabbits rely on bacteria in their guts to digest their food. By six months, they may begin to eat grass hays. You may find that you need to regulate how much they eat by offering them a small quantity. When it comes to cabbage diet, the answer is surely yes, you can feed your rabbit cabbage. Yes it is fine for them to have but only in small quantities up to a maximum of twice a week. i have a poorly bun she wont eat i have had her to the vet, i have beed advised to try and tempt her and as many different foods as possible to see if i can get her appitite back. However, this doesn’t mean our bunnies should eat every vegetable we have spare. They’re both healthy and generally enthusiastic about eating, but any advice is welcome. Is Cabbage Good For Rabbits? Leafy green vegetables should be a daily part of your rabbit’s diet, and cabbage is an easy inclusion. Have you given cabbage to your Rabbit? Rabbits can eat different vegetables, but cauliflower is not one of them. Rabbits Can Eat Cabbage In short, rabbits can eat cabbage – and many of them love its crunchy texture, too. Girl Guinea Pig Names: Over 200 Great Names For Female Guinea... PetMD. Cabbage also contains calcium — fantastic for rabbits who must constantly regenerate their teeth. What can you do? You will find out what your bunny’s diet should consist of and what the scientific principles behind its diet are. Because it is nontoxic, high in fiber, and mild in flavor, cabbage is a favorite among bunny parents and veterinarians. Additionally, it contains loads of potassium, which plays a vital role in the nervous system. This is perfectly fine by us as cabbages are typically sold in stores all year round. Try to give your rabbit dark green loose-leafed varieties like savoy or cavolo nero. If your rabbits eat cabbage, you should know that too much will make them sick. Can Rabbits Eat Cabbage has been extensively revised for 2019. Some vegetables are suitable for rabbits and guinea pigs, while others can cause upset stomachs. These high-carb sugary treats will really only “treat” your bunny … Hutch and Cage is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Rabbits can eat green cabbage, and this type of cabbage is widely available. Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz) Energy 103 kJ (25 kcal) Carbohydrates 5.8 g Sugars 3.2 g Dietary fiber 2.5 g Fat 0.1 g Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. When introducing your rabbit to cabbage for the first time, you will want to offer it to them plain. However, if your rabbit enjoys it, there’s no harm in giving it. Cabbage rots quickly, so make sure to clean up as soon as your rabbit has finished their meal. These cabbages are a rich source of vitamin B6, which helps your rabbit break down the proteins it eats and build new proteins, and is crucial for normal muscle function. Veterinarians highly recommend making cabbage a staple in your bunny’s food. Leafy green vegetables contain vital nutrients for your bunny. You can supplement breeding rabbits with vitamin K. Finally, cabbage has lesser amounts of vitamin E, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. Rabbits can eat cabbage. The other reason why cabbage is good for the rabbits, it helps them to regenerate the teeth. So, it is better to restrict their consumption to about 5 leaves per day and not more than that. Given that rabbits are herbivorous, you might assume that it’s OK to give them any vegetables. White cabbage doesn’t pack the nutrient punch of dark green leafy varieties. Red cabbage is great for us humans because it’s a rich source of vitamins C and K, but rabbits don’t need supplemental vitamin C. And as mentioned, only breeding sows need extra vitamin K. So, both red and white cabbage, if nothing else, give your rabbit something else to wear their teeth down with. Only raw cabbage in moderation is okay. As mentioned earlier, however, cabbage is good for rabbits! ), 7 Exotic Pet Birds | Expensive and Exotic, 10 Things You’ll Need When You Buy Pet Mice. The most dangerous is white cabbage, and the closer the leaves to the stump – the more juicy, and therefore more dangerous. Very rarely, a vet visit may be in order. As I said, early rabbits can eat Cabbage but small amounts. One rabbit is almost six and the other is about three years old. The UK animal welfare charity, the RSPCA, recommend feeding rabbits an adult-sized handful of mixed leafy green vegetables and wild plants twice a day. People the world over grow cabbage for food. Rabbits have their own tastes and idiosyncrasies just like the rest of us, and they’re often quite resistant to change. Giving your rabbit cabbage as part of a healthy, balanced diet is a great idea. Look for cabbage varieties that are darker. Yes! Cabbage is best for your rabbit when you include it as part of a varied diet. This will give their stomach time to adapt to the new fare. I’ve also stopped giving her cabbage, flax, and oats until I figure out what’s up. Research has shown that overshooting the 15% mark for multiple weeks on end could cause thyroid issues for rabbits. In fact, there are many aspects of this plant that they can find beneficial. Butter lettuce is also OK to feed to your bunny. You can offer this whole, or chopped, as you prefer. At this point, they’ll also ease up on the pellets. Blend it with other vegetables and make a healthy diet plan for your rabbit. It may also be best to feed cabbage in particular a maximum of four days per week, and not every day. Cabbage (can sometimes cause digestive upsets) - can cause gas so limit; Carrots (& carrot tops) – not the roots as they are high in sugars. It can add a few extra nutrients in and gives your rabbit a nice mix of food that they can munch down on each day. Occasionally they get apple leaves and branches or a VeggieDent, which is a vegan chew for dogs. One rabbit has needed this twice in the past week, which is why I’m here looking up cabbage. Rabbits can eat cabbage and any type. Rabbits can safely eat cabbage, no problem even if that is a purple cabbage. Efficacy of the Cruciferous Vegetable on the Thyroid and Gonads of Rabbits, House Rabbit Society. Meanwhile, others simply don’t like it (or refuse to even try it and find out). High-fiber food will wear down and naturally “trim” your rabbit’s teeth. Among other leafy greens, rabbits do eat cabbage. Moreover, cabbage is frequently recommended as a part of the fresh vegetable component in a rabbit’s diet. also lists cabbage including the red, Napa, and savoy as safe. Apples. This means that red cabbage is fine for rabbits to eat and makes a fine supplement for their hay diet. But not every bunny loves cabbage the same. Absolutely, rabbits can eat cabbage. They also get a small piece of carrot and 4 blueberries every morning along with less than a tbsp of pellets and a barley heart from OxBow, a few sunflower seeds and sometimes flax seeds or uncooked steelcut oats, which they love so much I put them in a cat ball toy with openings in the side so the oats fall out when they very enthusiastically roll it around. Your rabbit may show signs of discomfort, lethargy, and the like. This means you can give your bunnies the green, white, spring greens, red, Bok choy (chinses cabbage) and the savoy cabbage. They’ll eat nearly anything you place in front of them. al. Remember to introduce cabbage in small quantities at first if your rabbit hasn’t tried it before. And, if you’re a new rabbit parent, you might wonder if your childhood cartoons filled with bunnies eating carrots and cabbage nailed it or not. Large amounts of cabbage can cause bloating, gas, and diarrhea. So whenever a new food is introduced, that bacterial population has to adapt. As you can see, many owners let their rabbits eat cabbage for the nutritional benefits it can offer. You will want to start out with a smaller amount -perhaps a leaf or two- and work up, however. This means they eat plants. Some types of cabbage contain laudanum which is poisonous for rabbits in large amounts. Green, Savoy, and red cabbages are all safe for rabbits. Can Rabbits Eat Cabbage? Also, as an Amazon affiliate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Fruits should be fed in moderation due to sugar content (up to 2 tablespoons worth per day). It can happen due to feeding too much cabbage too soon. However, as stated on the House Rabbit website, “One study done on rabbits indicated that it would take several weeks of exclusively feeding huge quantities of these foods to see any abnormalities in the blood. As per usual, we’ll take a look at their nutritional data, in particular, their calcium, sugar, phosphorus, acidic and fat content. Once your rabbit has gotten accustomed to eating cabbage, you can start tossing it in with other leafy greens and produce, up to four times a week. Experts recommend that baby rabbits stick mostly to their mothers’ milk for the first seven weeks. One-sixth of a cup of cabbage per pound of body weight, three times per week is the maximum amount of cabbage you can safely feed to your rabbit. Come back to cabbage later. Regarding veggies like cabbage, feed two to four cups of at least three different veggies for every 6 lbs of weight. Can rabbits eat cabbage? Yes. As a matter of fact, rabbits rely on crunchy food, and cabbage can make a lovely choice -when it’s raw. Just been to my local grocers and they have given me a bag of carrot tops and savoy cabbage leaves for fluff. When one of them is not enthusiastic about eating a regular meal, I give them a syringe full of Little Remedies – simethicone gas relief drops for human babies – and massage their tummies side to side. Certain plants can even poison pets, so it’s … While they thrive on hay, most rabbits will enjoy eating cabbage. All content is therefore for informational purposes only. Regardless if you buy green cabbages, Savoy cabbages, red cabbages and Bok Choy, these are guaranteed safe for your pet rabbit’s lagomorphic digestive system. Rabbits shouldn’t eat as much vegetables as a lot of people think however. It would literally mean feeding your rabbit only cabbage for a few months. Can Rabbits Eat Cabbage Leaves? It’s a nutritious choice whether you offer it as an occasional treat or as part of your rabbit’s regular fresh food rotation. If your rabbit shows signs of digestive upset, however, you will want to give the cabbage a break. An ideal rabbit diet should have a minimum of 5% leafy green. Cabbage is super healthy for rabbits! Too much cabbage eating can cause bloating, or diarrhea for rabbits.3-5 cabbage leaves will be fine for each time. So, keep your bunny safe by rinsing their veggies (as you would yours) before feeding them. Can rabbits eat savoy cabbage? One of them is vitamin B6. They’re known to eat veggies like lettuce and cabbage, as well as grains, seeds, and nuts. Everything they eat is organic, except the hay, which they have free access to. Here are a few ways to jazz up some cabbage for your rabbit. Plus, the action of eating them helps wear down their ever-growing teeth. No, they cannot as they should not be eating any cooked foods. Hess, L., DVM. For example, cabbage is a great source of vitamin B6. Wait a while before you try again with a smaller amount -if they still react negatively, you may want to give it up. Usually, it won’t take them more than a day or so to recover. Just make sure it is part of a varied offering of fresh vegetables. Green cabbage is a safe choice if you want to feed your rabbit this vegetable. Or it may be that your rabbit simply does not get along with cabbage. Rabbit diets are supposed to consist of at least 5% green leafy vegetables, so cabbage is an excellent choice for those who are averse to the flavorful, strong-smelling choices like herbs. So, it is simple to respond “can rabbits eat cabbage?”, because “ yes, they can ” is the answer. Then you can try reintroducing it again, starting with a smaller quantity. But can bunnies eat cabbage every day? Rabbits can benefit a lot from eating cabbages. However, as always, make sure to only feed it in moderation. I’ve had both since they were ‘teenagers’. Rabbits should receive fresh fruits as an occasional treat. Adult rabbits can eat timothy, grass, and oat hays, while younger rabbits should be fed alfalfa. Fortunately, there are plenty of other great leafy greens you can offer as an alternative! (Why or Why Not? Vegetables are an important part of rabbits' and guinea pigs' diets. Suggested Vegetables and Fruits for a Rabbit Diet. Don’t worry if your rabbit can’t stomach cabbage or doesn’t like it. Squeaks and Nibbles is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, Squeaks and Nibbles is also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to He still doesn’t drink very much water, not nearly as much as the other rabbit who is female and smaller than him. Can Rabbits Eat Cabbage Safely? Boston lettuce and Bibb lettuce are classified as types of butter lettuce, and this vibrant green vegetable is a popular salad ingredient. Greens and veggies like celery, cabbage, and brussel sprouts are an important source of vitamins, minerals and fiber for rabbits. How can you tell which cabbage is best for your long-eared friends? You may wonder: can rabbits eat red cabbage? Therefore, unexpected substantial nutritional modifications typically trigger indigestion in bunnies. In fact, the Food and Agriculture Organization for the United Nations estimates that people grew a staggering 70 million tons of the stuff in 2012. So, cabbage for rabbits should only be introduced by the end of their first year. Rabbits are honestly not the pickiest of eaters. Add it to an excellent exercise routine for a healthy living. So if you were wondering, yes, you can feed your rabbits cabbage. If they react okay, you can offer them another portion, later on in the week. The vegetable is rich in many vital nutrients for rabbits, as we’ll see later. For example, Savoy cabbage, Calvoro Nero cabbage, red cabbage, etc. Bread, Pasta, Cookies, and Crackers. But can rabbits eat cauliflower as part of a healthy diet? Indeed, rabbits love cabbage, but it is not useful to them, especially in large numbers. Cabbages and rabbits are synonymous, as are carrots. Rabbits should get the bulk of their nutrition from rabbit hay. Fiber helps the digestive system of the rabbit with digestion. Why? Some rabbits are also extra-big fans of the flavor. So, especially if it’s the first time, introduce just a little at a time. An adult rabbit should eat an unlimited amount of grass hays and only a small portion of pellets. eat cabbage. Yes, they can! Although we don’t talk about our everyday activities, our pets will adapt to these behaviors. Rabbits can have all types of cabbage, meaning that they can eat the various cultivars like green, red (purple), white, and sweetheart cabbage leaves and stems. Whether it is raw or cooked, cauliflower can cause severe bloating in rabbits. Give your rabbit no more than a leaf or two at a time, and observe. As you probably know, rabbits are designed to consume primarily fiber. Cabbage refers to succulent fodder, and its juice can cause quite serious problems with the stomach of a rabbit. Cabbage is also comprised of fiber and water. A common question when feeding rabbits cabbage is, should it be cooked, or raw? Can Guinea Pigs Get Diabetes from too many carrots. This is due to the cabbage causing gas and bloating in the rabbit’s digestive system. So can rabbits eat cabbage at all and if they can how much can be eaten? If cabbage agrees with your rabbit, it can be an excellent additional source of antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber. All cabbage varieties are safe to eat for rabbits but only small amounts. However, a little red cabbage or white cabbage is fine if that’s what you’ve got. But I feel like there should be a warning earlier on that gas producing cabbage can cause in stasis in rabbits. You should be able to tell whether cabbage disagrees with your rabbit pretty quickly. Rabbits can eat MOST types of cabbage! Apple is a harmless and safe fruit … Manda xx After that time, they may begin to eat alfalfa hays and pellets. Sometimes, rabbits will not find cabbage agreeable. And avoid relying on it as their only source of fresh vegetables. Too much cabbage, or introducing the vegetable too quickly, can cause your rabbit … Cabbage is rich in vitamin C, beta carotene, vitamin K, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. But before you start stuffing your bunny with cabbage, go slow. These contain the highest amount of antioxidants and fiber. No. One rabbit wasn’t eating enough hay, so I’d pile some up and drop in some of the oats and now he’s eating as much hay as the other one. However, all the brassica vegetables are high in sulfurous compounds that can bother some rabbits’ digestive systems, giving them diarrhea or gas. These include spring greens, savoy cabbage or cavolo nero. The rabbit’s diet consists of grasses, leaves, tree barks, and even roots. Let Your Rabbits Eat Cabbage for the Vitamins and Fiber, You’ll Need to Introduce Your Rabbit to Cabbage Slowly, White Rabbit Breeds | 7 White Pet Rabbit Breeds, Rabbit Toys | Rabbit Chews, Toys and Playthings, Flemish Giant Rabbit: Diet | Size | Breeding | Housing, GI stasis in rabbits: Symptoms | Causes | Treatments, Can Rabbits Eat Newspaper? The answer: yes, rabbits can (and should!) Eating vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamins and minerals makes a perfectly healthy diet. But you may wonder, is cabbage always a good thing for your bunny? The signs are clear: they will experience bloating and/or diarrhea, and as rabbits can’t pass gas, this will cause them some real tummy pain. We all know that rabbits love their veggies. In the wild, rabbits are accustomed to eating their food totally raw. I know it is a silly question but i haven't had rabbits since i was a child and my parents sorted them. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Provide the cabbage to your rabbit in a dish that’s tip-proof. give your rabbit something their stomach is sure to agree with, such as Timothy Hay. This is so far removed from normal feeding instructions for rabbits that there is no cause for concern in feeding these nutritious foods.”. Cabbage also contains a fair amount of vitamin K. This is an essential nutrient that pregnant rabbits need a lot of. The reasons they find that the cabbage is nontoxic, gentle in flavor, and very high in fiber. That’s what this article is about. Hay is important for rabbits because it provides the essential fiber needed for good digestive health and it helps wear down a rabbit’s teeth (which continuously grow) for good dental health. (This is normal and nothing to be alarmed about.). When this is the case, cease feeding them cabbage. Can rabbits eat cabbage? For rabbits, cabbages are a source of essential vitamins and fiber. This is a very long and detailed write-up on cabbage and likely very accurate if everyone were to read it in its entirety and follow exact direction. Which fruits can rabbits eat?
Can rabbits eat red cabbage? You can let us know about your experiences with rabbits and cabbage in the comments below. If your rabbit has diarrhea after eating cabbage, eliminate it from their diet until the symptoms disappear. Fresh greens give them important vitamins and nutrients. Prior to you begin packing your rabbit with cabbage, go slow-moving. These leafy greens are packed with nutrients, especially fiber. Rabbits are natural herbivores. Brown, S., A., DVM. Don’t try to offer it again until your rabbit has fully recovered. Hello bunny mums/dads and bunnies Just a quick question, Can rabbits eat savoy cabbage leaves? Parsnips Another well known issue is that cabbage is known to be a goitrogenic veggies for rabbits. So, cabbage for rabbits is mostly safe. But not every bunny loves cabbage the same. Generally cabbage’s with dark leaves are safe, and healthy for rabbits, while cabbages with light, whitish leaves cannot be given. Images and TV programs always portray rabbits going around digging up cabbages and eating them, but can rabbits eat cabbage without getting sick? But, this would be difficult to accomplish. It is best to wash your vegetables thoroughly before feeding them to your rabbit. Just make sure it isnt their main food. Of course, yes! In some cases, however, it may be best to move on to something else instead. In fact, this is something that you will probably want to introduce into their diet sooner as opposed to later. Like vegetables, red cabbage is not that much different. Even in the wild, while not the most preferred crop, they do nibble this vegetable. While fiber content is high in cabbage, there are other sources of vitamins and minerals as well. As you can see red cabbage contains a hint of fat and a little sugar. Cabbage isn’t a perfect veggie for rabbits though. In the meanwhile. Some rabbits try cabbage and end up with diarrhea or loose stools. If you were questioning, yes, you can feed your bunnies cabbage. I’ve tried a few things that haven’t worked, like dropping pieces of dried fruit in his water bowl (he also has a bottle), but so far haven’t figured out how to fix that. Hutchandcage is supported by its readers. Cabbage is rich in vitamin B6 which is useful for building proteins and supporting muscle function. So, especially if it’s the first time, introduce just a little at a time. Dark, green, and leafy cabbage will become a favorite of your pet in no time. It is also a potent source of vitamin K. Most pet rabbits don’t need extra vitamin K in their diet under normal conditions. Yes, rabbits can eat cabbage occasionally and in small amounts. Which also is misleading if someone doesn’t read the entire article to the detriment of a bunny. A Rabbit Feeding Guide, Albino Ferret – What Their White Coat and Red Eyes Are Telling You, Can Bunnies Eat Chocolate – And What To Do If They Do, Guinea Pig Breeds – Discover 13 Different Cavies, Guinea Pig Sounds: A Guide To Guinea Pig Noises, Cute Guinea Pig Names – 200 Unique Names To Choose From, Hamster Breeds – Differences, Similarities, and Choosing the Best One. My friend’s father is a country vet and has lost many rabbits to clients feeding their buns cabbage. This happens when they enjoy chewing the cabbages. Let your rabbits eat cabbage, and they can potentially benefit from the vitamin content and fiber. For rabbits, cabbages are a source of essential vitamins and fiber. Should they? Rabbit Dental Care 101, Abdul-Aziz, A. et. Cooking also results in the loss of some important nutrients in certain vegetables — cabbage included. Besides, why waste time cooking, when your bunny is eager to eat some raw cabbage? Yes! image wikipedia. This prevents many potential dental issues. Feel free to toss it into a few-times-weekly salad mix. In fact, there are many aspects of this plant that they can find beneficial. Does it matter which kind of cabbage you give them? As a result, sudden significant dietary changes often cause stomach upsets in rabbits. Carrots should be limited due to high sugar content. Yes, they can! Cooking cabbage, on the other hand, will sap precious nutrients from the leafy green. Fresh vegetables and wild plants are a valuable source of nutrients, but they are not dense enough in calories or fiber to sustain a rabbit on their own. Your article seems to encourage cabbage with very little warning and the summary on the search page shows a resounding yes! Yes, they can. It’s best to give your rabbit dark green, leafier varieties of cabbage. Although some people feed their rabbits cooked veggies, it is generally preferred to go raw. Be forewarned that some rabbit owners report the pigment in red cabbage turning their bunnies’ urine green! This is a nutrient that is crucial for helping rabbits break down protein and build protein, and it keeps their muscles functioning, as well. Rabbits should have no more than one cup of cabbage, no more than four times a week. Dark green varieties of cabbage like savoy cabbage contain lots of vitamins and minerals. Not to mention, rabbits favor free cabbage for its greater crispness and savor. Generally, rabbits are not so much competent to gain self-control; thus, when you have loaded up their dish with a number of cabbage leaves, they will most possible eat all the bits. Giving your rabbit cabbage as part of a healthy, balanced diet is a great idea. Alfalfa should not be given to adult rabbits because of the higher protein and sugar content. Are other sources of vitamin K. this is because rabbits ’ teeth benefit from chewing tough or veggies! 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